Hello Expats,
First I want to apologize for all the questions all at one time.
We plan on moving to P.R. in the summer of 2017. We are a same sex couple and looking for other couples and/or families that live on the Island that can share their experiences. Please contact us privately if you do want to share on here. We already know the Island very reserved when it comes LGBT rights/tolerance. BTW: Our daughter will be 4 when we move.
My husband originally from the Island. Mom has moved back and we wish to be closer to her and have always desired to go back. So we have family support which is good.
We believe that our desire is to live in Humanco or Bayamon. We never thought about Bayamon. Was always told it was a place of crime. Stayed at the Hyatt (Bayamon) this past visit for some me time. We spoke to the employees at the hotel and explored a little more and liked it. Humanco is our number one pick as of now.
We are looking into schools in Humanco/Bayamon that are primary English and/or secondary Spanish. We going to tour Palmas Academy. Anyone have experience or know of a family sent their children there? Any recommends for schools in Bayamon? Hotel employee stated there are English speaking schools in Bayamon that are either close or on the military base. Does anyone know about the schools there? I wonder if the military schools are open to non-military families?
Checking the website (DMV) for transferring our vehicles' to P.R. seems to be misleading. Example we have a 2011 Toyota 4 Runner and the website shows it's value at $36,000.00 and the real value is $15,000.00 per blue book. Any one experience and/or can provide some insight on this?
Any recommends for Banking for checking , savings, rolling over 401K and retirement accounts? Pro's and Con's? Will speak to a finical advisor for the retirement accounts in the states also.
Don't see anything about insurance for renters, permeant home, car or health. My husband insurance through his employer would be considered out of pocket. If anyone can provide any information?
My husband been in the banking business for 32 years. We have looked at some websites for employment and there are comparable jobs on the island. We understand the salary and benefits may not be the same as in the states. We were told that they really like to hire people that have stayed on the island over people that are moving back or moving to. Can anyone share some information?
Moving furniture to the island we have gotten one estimate from U-Pack. Anyone use another company or had experience with this company? The good thing we live in the Jacksonville, FL. area and very close to the ports. Shipping the vehicle's very cheap.
Believe it or not are most stressor is getting the three dogs to the Island. Can someone provide any helpful information? Totally taken back over the way animals are treated on the Island. We have a friend who runs animal shelter on the Island and the stories are sad.
Sorry for all the requested information at one time. Any information would be helpful.
Thank you,
Rivera Family