Concerned about moving

;) nice one Julien... not to be mistaken with Julian....mmm confusing...

George, on my post i did mention the 10% but thanks again for reminding people.

and thanks all for a great forum...

@ Scubaboy....I take it you are working in diving? Whats it like on the work front on Malta? Pat

Sorry for mixing Julien and Julian up a bit .-)))

But you know what I was meaning .....

The permanent residence scheme with a 15 % income tax rate ( and base payment ) does not allow working in Malta and it was suspended for non EU - nationals last December like George said. We will have to see how it works when it is resumed .



I am not working in the Scuba Industry although that was my dream, things change in life and no i am looking at the IT Industry.

The diving industry is quite bouyant in Malta as you would expect but also very seasonal.

Money isnt all that and is from around 800 euro a month with a decent Dive school.

PM me if you want details of schools as i still work in them when i have free time

Ricky it was a bit of banter matey ;-)

Julian (With the a)