
BBC radio


Are BBC radio stations  available to listen to in Malta, through a laptop or iPad? I was told the BBC iPlayer has a limited coverage. I prefer radio to TV and would hope to listen to my favourite station such as  5live, for my sport and current affairs and 6music, as well as radio4. Many thanks

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My experience of BBC broadcasts abroad are you can get BBC World Service without a problem (via Internet and SW radio).  With regards to the rest of their content, the BBC have tightened up on overseas reception and unless you use a VPN connection, it can detect you are not in the UK and some programmes are blocked, in particular sport broadcasts.

Perhaps some others have some hints and tips around it.


alftupper wrote:

Are BBC radio stations  available to listen to in Malta, through a laptop or iPad? I was told the BBC iPlayer has a limited coverage. I prefer radio to TV and would hope to listen to my favourite station such as  5live, for my sport and current affairs and 6music, as well as radio4. Many thanks

Try the 'Tunein Radio' app on any platform, I have it on PC, iPad and Android tablet and you can get thousands of stations.
Before this post I just checked Radio 2 and it came straight on so not blocked by BBC yet.



If you want IPTV to watch live UK and US TV then with the better ones (Usually the more expensive) you will also get radio and do not need to use a VPN with any of them.



Hi - since I posted my earlier response, I've received a couple of PM's explaining how to receive BBC (and other) broadcasts abroad.  I just got my daughter to try them from Holland and they work.  These are in addition to what Foxglove has posted above; so it can (currently) be done.


I have BBC media and radio apps on my tablet and they work OK for radio. For TV I have a VPN, which works OK on our desktop and laptops but now  gets BB , but not ITV hub etc on the android. Ex-pat network say this is down to a flash player incompatability, which is strange as it used to work OK, untill quite recently.


Some broadcasters, Netflix included, now have software that detects a VPN and locks you out.  I would imagine BBC iPlayer will go the same way and probably ITV Hub.
This seems to have coincided with the introduction of HTML5 for video streaming on the Web.

When I first had Netflix I could decide via, 'Hola' VPN, which countries Netflix programs I wanted to watch but once they launched worldwide it restricted my account to Malta which does not have all the same programs.



Thanks for all replies. It will be a shame if the BBC iPlayer goes. But the tunein radio app seems promising. I've never heard of that one before


I think it will all hinge on just how determined the BBC are to block access from outside the UK and how quick the internet is in getting around it - they always seem to find a way.


The problem which will be most difficult to get round is that the BBC is going to block access to BBC iPlayer from anyone other than a BBC licence holder!



Ah well , if all else fails I'll just have to take a crash course in maltese 😧 And tune in to local radio. It's gotta be better than their TVs programmes


alftupper wrote:

Ah well , if all else fails I'll just have to take a crash course in maltese 😧 And tune in to local radio. It's gotta be better than their TVs programmes

BBC World Service will still be available.