
Best international schools in Accra



I am moving to Accra from the UK this summer and have two sons who I would like to send to a good international school.

I have looked at Ghana International School, Lincoln Community college, British International School, American International school and Galaxy International. I would really appreciate any feedback on these schools (positives and negatives, how good their reputations are...) from anyone with experience.

Also whether there are other schools I should consider or if these are the top ones.

Many thanks for any assistance.

All the best,


See also

Living in Ghana: the expat guideAsk to continue Scool at Acra universityconfused to select school for my daughterInternational schooling in accrainternational schools in Accra

These schools are all good but it all depends on your budget - they are expensive


Thanks very much for your response. The fees are being covered by my husband's company so I am looking to get an idea of the atmosphere, academic standard, characteristics of these schools - which is the most sought after and why? Any insights much appreciated!


2 years ago I started a research online to relocate my kid from an American School system to Accra. I was able to follow up with the ground work to all the above schools. You may trust my opinion and personal experience, but Association International School by far was the most impressive. Paying out of pocket is a huge financial sacrifice for me but I am taking the plunge. Best Wishes!


As your children are being funded then it really depends on whether you want an American or British curriculum. GIS is British and the others are American. Also you might consider where you will be living as that might influence your decision. You haven't mentioned the ages of your children as that also might be a factor


Hello, thank you for all of this - very helpful. My children are 4 and 6. They are in the British system at the moment but I would happy to consider American system - it is mainly the quality of teaching and the atmosphere of the school that I'm interested in. I am not sure yet where we will be living.


I hope someone who sends their child to one of the schools will help you. I have known parents whose children went to Lincoln and they were happy with the school.


My 9 year old attends Association International and I can guarantee that it is probably the best international school in Ghana based on administrative management and quality of education and your child's social wellbeing. Although you have the right and prerogative to switch schools as you please, the none refundable admission fee (paid only once) is hefty $3800 for Ghanaian nationals and $5500 for expatriates. Granted you not paying out of pocket, it's worth noting. Best of luck.


Looked in to Associaton International School as wan to send son to boarding school but they only take from Year 9. Shame really as wanted to visit the school. I will be based in U.K. While son concentrates on studies in an international boarding school in Ghana.

What are your thoughts on:

British international School
Galaxy International School