Renting a house/flat

Can someone please tell me how to get off this rental round-a-bout and into a more appropriate rental property!!
Thank you so so much if you can help;

Welcome on Expat-blog ZZJP&B! :)

For your accommodation search, you may view the Noumea classifieds > accommodation section and post an advert there as well.

I wish you good luck

Hello !

I' m living in Paris with my boyfriend. We 'll be in Nouméa around August 2011 and we are looking for sublet a flat or an house during our home's research...
Can you help us ?

Amandine et JR

Hi! you can check out or
Hope this helps. :)

Hi Amandie ?

Did you get any details on this ?

Can you guys help me by telling me the average rate for a 1 bedroom serviced apartment in NC ?