
Irish woman looking work in Nigeria


Hi everyone
Im an Irish woman currently living in Ireland and I would love to move to Nigeria. Its very hard to enter Nigeria without a large bank balance so getting a job offer online from smeone living and working there seems my only option. I am a freelance writer...unpublished as yet but have a great passion for writing. I would really appreciate some job offers from Irish people abroad and could go to Nigeria to work as soon as I get visa...

See also

Job offers in NigeriaFinding work in NigeriaOnline job offerAGIP NigeriaJob in tolaram Group

Welcome to Expat-blog, bugsie

Your discussion has been redirected to the Nigeria forum for effective networking. For job application, you can apply online via website like: Link 1 & Link 2. Else, you can try to post an advert on the job section of Nigeria Classifieds page.



Hi Bugsie,
It is nice reading your post and getting to know your interest in relocating to Nigeria. An important advice is that you should be extraordinarily careful with most of the online jobs. Most of these job opportunities are posted by people with high level of fraud tendencies. I am from Lagos, Nigeria but working and residing in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Let me see how I can be useful to you. I could perhaps be of a minor help to you. My email contact is . Regards