Second hand bikes

I'm looking for a cheapish second hand bike (preferably road/racing/carretera but I'd settle for a mountain/hybrid).

I've been to a couple of shops where the cheapest new was about €250 and was told by a shop assistant that its very difficult to find second hand bikes in Madrid. Internet's not been much help and sparse pickings on Ebay etc.

Anyone got any tips? I know Madrilenos aren't big on second hand anything but I've seen loads of people cycling old bikes around, they must come from somewhere! I'm looking for about €100 or under.



I guess you should also post in the Madrid classifieds ;)

Have you checked out Segunda Mano?

Great shout! Thanks! Knew they'd be out there somewhere

If anyone's interested, I ended up picking up a great 90s Peugeot racer for €90 (without pedals) found on


You can also try the Cash Converter shops in Madrid. They sometimes have good deals. I once got a good city cruiser in great condition with Deore, rack, shocks, etc for less than 100€.

There are lots of them spread out around the city. Bravo Murrillo, Bilbao, Alfonso XII, etc.

It is always best to check out the bikes well and go with someone who knows what to look for.