Dental implants?

We just returned from Quito and my wife had her regularly scheduled 6mo dental appt yesterday....and bad news.

Has anyone had dental implants done in Ecuador?  Happy with the price and results?  My wife was quoted $10,000 for 2 dental implants (naturally, the 2 teeth are near the front of her mouth)

Any recommendations/warnings/references are appreciated.


I have to make it clear that the price quoted in the earlier post is a US price; not one from Ecuador.


I've done a lot of dental work in Ecuador at Global Dental. 2 years ago I paid around $900.00 per implant, but it came with some discount as... like I said they did a lot of work for me and my wife, and we are very happy with the results. 2 years later I have no problems. My wife recently broke one of the tooth crowns, they replaced it for free, no questions asked. I can 100% recommend Global Dental.

thanks for the info.  I will look into Global Dental.

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You sound like a commercial, dude.
Could be all right place, regardless...