Looking to meet expats in Jordan have a good time.

Ross living in Amman, Jordan
Lived in Canada for about 4 Years
Likes to go out and socialize

interests include:
Playing sports, reading news and new technologies

Welcome on board  :cheers:  Ross

If you participate on the forum you'll see that your social network will expand.

All the best.

I'm Bader From Saudi Arabia
I'm living in Amman right now and lived in England for some years
feel free to contact me

Hello everyone!
Im Nora from Italy - I ll be in Amman at the end of the month, I lived in UK so I speak fluent English.

Likes to socialize and go out too

my name is Bader from Saudi I was living in the UK
now I'm studying in Amman .
would be my pleasure to meet you

Dear Nora , Looking forward to welcoming you here in my country Jordan!

Hi contact me on WhatsApp I am here in Amman Jordan


Moderated by Bhavna 7 years ago
Reason : Please do not post your contact details on the forum. You should exchange them through the private messaging system.Thank you
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

Hello everyone.

My name is Isaac. I'm from the US and have been here about 2 weeks. I'll be here until the summer of next year. If anyone wants to hangout at any time just let me know.


My name abdallah 27 year old and I living in amman.
I would like to meet you and hang out.

Let me know if you are interested.

Moderated by Sarvesh 6 years ago
Reason : Do not post your contact details on the forum for security reasons.
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct
Moderated by Sarvesh 6 years ago
Reason : Do not post your contact details on the forum for security reasons.
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

Welcome to Jordan!

Moderated by Sarvesh 6 years ago
Reason : Do not post your contact details on the forum for security reasons.
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

Looking friends from USA


Sounds like everyone is saying "Hi my name is _____.  Im DTF.    Get in touch.

How has that worked out for ya?

everyone is waiting for that 1st drop of rain .....
Or maybe
We are too lazy :P


Hi everyone,

If you really want to meet, maybe you should organise a meet up?

For example, you can just state the place, the date and the time for the meet up and everyone interested in coming can then join u.

Also note that the events in Amman section is at your entire disposal, you can create an ad for free and you can also send invitations to members. ;)


Expat.com team  :cheers:

How about taking the initiative and planning a meet up ?

I believe i am the most active participant of Jordan expat community ,,,,since I have most messages  in anybthread and they are like how many.......threeee


Not yet  :D

Still me with the most posts and replies  :cool:

Welcome to the Jordanian forum where not much happens  :whistle: