


Hi there thinking of bringing my car from England to Portugal. How do I go about the MOT every year can it be done over their.


See also

How to drive in PortugalTransporting car from mainland Portugal to Madeira IslandOld Motorbike importRenting a car in Portgual what do I need?Car insurance advice

If you move to Portugal, then you should register your car there.  The Portuguese equivalent is the IPO (Inspecção Périodica Obrigatória).

You won't be able to put a UK registered motor vehicle through the IPO.


In all honestly

It really is not worth the trouble to take a car from the UK to the EU if you are planning to live there permanently.

It is not obligatory to register a foreign vehicle for private use in Portugal for the first 180 days of a visit in any one calendar year, unless the owner intends to live permanently in Portugal.

However the following conditions must be met:

The vehicle is registered in the name of a person who is not a resident in Portugal
The vehicle is brought into Portugal and driven there by its registered owner or keeper
The vehicle is for private use only
Registering a Foreign Vehicle
Before registering a vehicle in Portugal on a permanent basis the owner must apply for a Residency Card (Cartão de Residência) from the Portuguese immigration authorities, SEF (Serviços de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras).

An imported car or bike must conform to the Portuguese road standards under what is termed "homologation" (Homologacão) before it can be registered. The complexity of the process can vary according to age, make and origin of the vehicle.

The process is different for classic and collectable vehicles. It is also different and more complicated for modified vehicles which must be examined at an authorised inspection centre to ensure the work was carried out correctly and adheres to EU safety standards.

Information is available from the directorate general for traffic, the IMTT (Instituto da Mobilidade e dos Transportes Terrestres I.P.)

See the IMTT's section on vehicles and technical inspections (in Portuguese)

- See more at: … 9Cec1.dpuf


Thanks for your help.