
Looking for IT job opportunities


Hi there,

I am a Canadian citizen, I am looking for IT project manger / business analyst / consultant type positions in Germany. I have 12 years of work experience, an MBA and a Computer Science degree.

I don't speak Germany. I am fluent in English.

I realize most companies require German but are there any suggestions on how to find companies that may be looking for someone like me?


See also

Job offers in BerlinThe work culture in BerlinBerlin's labour marketWorking in BerlinBuilding a professional network in Berlin

Google it. Look for English language IT jobs...

EU citizens are given first priority for employment. A potential employer needs to document that they didn't find enough qualified EU candidates. Even if true, not all want to do the paperwork. Not speaking German is also a big negative yet exactly in the kinds of fields; high tech, sciences etc. where specialized skills are needed, it is more often an exception. I know of a couple of non-EU members who were non-German speakers who found IT jobs in Germany in the past years. With your qualifications you might have a chance.

But I also know one person who came here for an IT job and spoke at least 3 languages and was making a good go at learning German. Yet I don't think she was happy. Even if not required for work, one needs to feel integrated in the society. Speaking little to no German tends to leave people feeling isolated and frustrated.

A job isn't everything. One should come with the attitude that they are going to make the effort to learn the language even though it isn't easy. Assuming one can limit ones contacts to other non-German speakers is not recommendable. One can survive but will miss a lot of what is going on, have a limited potential for friendships and always be at a disadvantage or need people's help to explain things.

Another tip is to stick to either big cities like Berlin or Hamburg or middle sized University towns like Freiburg, Tübingen, Göttingen. Such places are generally more accepting and interesting for foreigners than smaller communities where they might shun outsiders to a degree.


Thank you for your suggestions. I am actually looking into bigger cities and using job portals to find English jobs. But it's always nice to know tips from locals as well.

I have made friends in Germany through my travels but unfortunately none of them work in tech industry. I am also learning German now so hopefully I can at least know some basics.

Any specific sites that you know that may have tech / ICT jobs in Germany?

Thank you


@ MayankChauhan > I'd suggest you to post an advert in the IT & Telecommunications job vacancies in Germany section to increase the visibility of your profile hence increasing at the same time your chances of finding a suitable job.

Best of luck. :)

Sarvesh team