
self employed occupation permit using rental income


Hi experts
I am wondering if I can use my foreign rental income as self employed income in order to get an occupation permit. It is well above the minimums required.
Or if not, how could I use passive income to get an occupation permit in maurtius

See also

Occupation Permit in MauritiusWork permit for MauritiusBecome a permanent resident in MauritiusInternship visa in MauritiusPremium Visa in Mauritius


Your income must imperatively be generated by the business activity that you are undertaking when registered as a 'Self-Employed', that is MUR 600,000 (~USD 20,000) annually for the first two years and MUR 1,200,000 (~USD 40,000) as from the third year.
Other sources of income, local or foreign, do not count.

Your passive income on the other hand can be used as initial investment for the 'Self-Employed' permit or an 'Investor' permit.

The only scheme whereby you can use passive income freely for an OP is for the 'Retirement' Scheme.


Thanks winston that makes sense!
Here is my next question.
Lets say I do get the initial residence permit as a "retiree" using passive income from abroad and after 3 years qualify and get permanent residency (without the permission to work ), what is the route to citizenship, if any?
Im reading somewhere that 5 years of residency qualifies to apply for citizenship, but is that true for someone who is on a retirement visa too? Any input is appreciated. thanks!


Regarding naturalization, for a non-Commonwealth citizen, the terms and conditions are as follows:

You must have resided in Mauritius for a continuous period of 12 months immediately preceding the date of your application for citizenship,
during the 7 years immediately preceding the 12 months aforementioned, you must have resided in Mauritius for periods amounting to not less than 5 years.

This is the judicial phase. The final decision whether to grant citizenship or not, and the time it will take, remains the prerogative of the Prime Minister's Office.

Regarding your last question, anyone who fulfills the above criteria and who has lived in Mauritius legally and under one of the approved schemes of the Board of Investment (Investor, Self-Employed, Professional, Retiree), is eligible to apply for citizenship.