
How to make friends in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

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We have been talking about loneliness when you are abroad, let's now talk about how to make friends (locals and other expats) when you're living in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines :top:

Which are your best tips to meet people and to make friends in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines??

Thanks in advance for your participation


Get out and get to know the culture. Go shopping in the marketplace, ride a "taxi" (they're vans emblazoned with nifty phrases), eat out at the local restaurants, but most of all listen. Care about what people have to talk about. Get involved by actively engaging your neighbors and finding out what's going on.

Vincentians are totally friendly, fiercely patriotic and more involved in affairs of the state. If you want to stay above the fray, just simply be aware of the political atmosphere by keeping up with it. Watch the news and read the paper.

If you take the world around you seriously and actively participate in it, you'll suddenly find yourself with a lot less "alone" time than you think.


hi =) I´m thinking about to go to mustique island as an au pair...for a long time! and I´m a little bit woory about ot, because i think i will be alone there....because is a really small island...and maybe i will not make a lot of friends...specialli young people.

so...I want to ask if you know if there is more young people!!
