
journalist wants a job in cairo


Hi! first of all, hi everyone! I´m new here. I´m from Spain and my husband is egyptian, so now that the Spain is in crisis, i think is the moment to try new places. I´m journalist, and i have experience mostly in the social field. If anyone can help me with that, give me any contacts, or suggestions will be welcome!
Thanks to everybody!

See also

Job offers in CairoWork in CairoSetting up a business in EgyptWork in EgyptInternship in Egypt

Welcome to expat-blog, Adrianicus!
Please, contact one of our members samwelbeck . You will find him in the list following this link: … a/egypt/2/
Send him a private message.
Also you could contact him completing the form  found down page in
Sam has a business in this sense, he s a very serious person, so if he could , sure he will help you!
Good luck!

( Julien, we don t have possibility to search for a person in the site! Am I right?)


Ey! Thank you so much for your quick replay!I send him and email already!!! Finger crossed! Shukran!


You are welcomed!
Just let us to know what happen next with you, maybe we could give you some tips.
Good luck!


Hi Adrianicus and welcome to :)

I wish you the best of luck with your search for a job in Cairo.

Whilst awaiting a response from samwelbeck and other members, you could maybe post an ad in the Cairo Classifieds >Jobs to have an idea of the type of demand for your work?

Do take care!


Ahmed fawzy

Dear Mrs.Adrianicus

welcome to
if you are interested in learning Arabic for Media and Journalism let me know.
Have a nice day.

Ahmed fawzy
Marketing coordinator

Fajr Center for the Arabic Language