Private english teacher

Hi, im Indonesia mother who live in Varan and  I would like to inquire about a good method phonic ( reading&write) teacher for my kid.  Is there perhaps someone in the forum that could advise me? Or pls email me. Thanks in advance

Hello Saraswaty.

Regarding an English teacher..

There's a little book shop at 28 Dragoman, Varna, where I'm sure the owner of the shop will be able to point you in the right direction for your needs..

Best wishes…

Yes this is possible would you like to meet a teacher in the centre of Varna one day?

        I  am a certified English teacher

Hi Terracopter, ok noted and will check it out. Thank you in advance.

Please email me at xxxxx

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Hi Hoowster, that's good idea can you plz drop a mail to xxx

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Emintal05 wrote:

        I  am a certified English teacher

Hi Emintal05...pls inbox me asap. Txs

Hello,I will be back near VT in the Summer,I am a certified TESOL teacher😀

Hello! I'm looking for a native speaker for the 8 year old girl. Varna. ***

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