Naturalisation and citizenship in Hungary
Hello everyone,
What are the requirements for acquiring citizenship in Hungary? For example, length of residence, language requirements, employment etc..
What formalities are involved in the process?
What is the policy on dual-citizenship in Hungary? Do you have to give up your former nationality?
What are the advantages and benefits of acquiring Hungarian citizenship, in your opinion?
Thank you for sharing your experience.
One would really have to contact the immigration dept. and find out about their own case.
Everyone is different.
If one comes from a 3rd country then the rules are different then for someone in the EU.
Having dual citizenship all depends again on what the rules are for your home country, some countries such as Japan make one give up their Japanese citizenship if they become a citizen of another country.
Not every country excepts dual citizenship.
Advantages to getting a HU citizenship depend on what the advantages are with having your citizenship from your home country.
In some cases you can travel to some other countries easier with a HU passport then say a US one, Cuba comes to mind.
The rules change all the time best to find out how they apply for yourself with the immigration dept.

Bhavna wrote:What are the advantages and benefits of acquiring Hungarian citizenship, in your opinion?
For me personally I can not think of any, at this time, that would compel me to seek citizenship. My permanent resident rights are sufficient.
Did through another thread and you will find most of your answers on simp nat citizenship.
Benefit of having another citizenship is that the world is changing and I would prefer to be ready to live where I please when those days come.
I have 3 citz - 2 by blood and 1 jus soli.
Freedom is a word that comes to mind.
I'm not a lawyer, so take anything I say with a grain of salt. Of a size of a mountain.
Seems like normally you need to spend 8 years as a resident, and get permanent residency in the process. You don't have to give up your other citizenship, unless the other country you're resident of requires that.
Advantages probably depend on your current citizenship. If you're a French citizen, there are probably none. If you come from Russia, the advantages are huge.
I am good here with a 10 year permit to stay. If my husband ever decided to give up the ghost, I would like to remove myself from here ASAP.
At age 62 I think my odds are in favor of not actually pushing up daisy's here in HU.
Have a ton of offers to live with my relations in the US if I ever was alone again. Don't really want to think about it.
I am also sure at this late date I would have little to none problems getting HU citizenship. Funny how life is, as soon as you don't care what happens either way, doors open up for you.
I love the Hungarian culture etc. but after so many years of being a married lady I do not think I could even deal with being alone here in HU.
After having the best mate ever it would be insane to even think about a replacement, I would be better off being the old strange auntie in the UDA with my younger relations.
If Hungary ever wanted to remove me from their territory that would be fine with me too. I must say getting older has it's issues but it also is a very freeing experience.
I always LOVE readying Marilyn's posts. Real, funny and to the bone.
In my mind the expat/foreigner/outsider/long-term resident etc etc are the ones who know their adopted country best.
I spent 3 decades in Asia and I feel like Marilyn is saying the same things but about Hungary and not Asia though they come to the same conclusion.
You want the real Marilyn's posts. Always puts a smile on my face.
Thanks Blonder, I thought I had deleted that post.
After a proof read, I thought i seemed a bit "strange or not all there".
I do think I am the most sane person I know but all insane people think that, don't they?
Just joking.
Some people move to their partners countries. It would be interesting to find out if all or any of these people settle after bereavement or divorce or if they hot foot it back home. A lot of the uk guys I have met, who did not have children, tend to move on.
I love my life in Hungary but once I am a proper pensioner I plan to spend more time in the uk probably seeing more of my family. I also have a list of other places that I would like to visit to avoid cold winters.
I've been reminded that summers are short here compared to the US. But there is more reliable weather here than summers in the uk. However I do love the green lushness of the uk countryside often due to all that summer rain.
I have residency in Hungary and do not need to take this further.
Personally I would almost certainly leave Hungary if Mrs Fluffy was no longer with us but a lot would depend on the age of the kids.
If they were like 15-18 or so, then I think I would have to consider staying - at least until they left home (say for Uni at 18).
God forbid anything happens to my husband, I would be more then happy to hit the highway before he does, I'm just a weakling that way... Not fun to be the one left behind.
There is actually a cremation office on our st. near the hospital and church of all places, one stop shopping!!
My husband saw the women who works there having a cig outside so he stopped to ask her some questions, I put it out of my mind but I do know it is cheap to die here, services for cremation are something close to $400. Ones embassy at least the US embassy here will do all paperwork for free to bring remains home to the states. Nice that our tax dollars might come in handy in the end after all, whatever, we don't plan on checking out anytime soon if we can help it.
Oh you do need your birth certificate for cremation guess it's a good idea for ones loved ones to know where you have stashed your papers.
Well I am sure he won't pop off yet Marilyn he's still got a few cakes to bake.
For me it was easy. I was born in Hungary, and as a teenager we immigrated to the US. I wen to the Hungarian consulate in Los Angeles, and applied for citizenship. Filled out forms and they were sent to Hungary for approvement. I was reinstated as a Citizen. I got an EU passport and a residency card. When i moved to Budapest I went to get my identefication cards and continued as a Citizen. I still maintained my US citizenship. I am a duel Citizen. I guess for foreign born citizens its much more difficult., but it can be done. Go to the Hungarian consulate in your Country and inquire about residency.
Hi everyone:
I just contacted the Hungarian embassy in Washington DC because it has been over a year since I applied for citizenship. I inquired why it was taking so long and did receive an immediate response from DC but not from Chicago yet. As I may have mentioned previously, it shouldn't be a difficult case as my father was a Hungarian citizen when I was born and I had ample documentation. Just wondering why it is taking so long. Any ideas?
Verification takes longer than simplified naturalization.
By law they can take up to 24 months.
So actually I am getting the verification, not naturalization. Thanks!

blonder wrote:By law they can take up to 24 months.
Can you provide a link to this law?
Yes, I was looking at a few embassy sites and they din't say 24 months, only 12 for verification. What is the difference between verification and naturalization procedurally?
With verification they check if one or both parents were Hungarian citizens at the moment of child’s birth, so the child will get Hungarian citizenship at birth automatically.
With naturalization (both regular and simplified) they check if different conditions defined by law are fulfilled.
For simplified naturalization they just check if your ancestor(s) were born in former Hungary kingdom before July 26th 1921.
You don’t need to prove that your ancestors were Hungarian citizens all the time, especially at the moment of your or your parent’s birth.
Obviously it is much easier and faster both for you and for Hungarian authorities to check only that.
If verification is approved you are considered Hungarian citizen from the date of your birth and you don’t need to know Hungarian language and take the Oath.
With naturalization (both regular and simplified), if you are approved you become new Hungarian Citizen from the date you will take the Oath and you have to know Hungarian language.
Hope this will help you.
Keep in mind that by former Hungarian Citizenship Laws anyone who left Hungary after 1929 for more than 10 years lost his/her citizenship. After WWI Hungary lost lot of territories and population.
Also before 1957 you could get Hungarian citizenship at birth only if your father was Hungarian citizen.
For exemple if Hungarian citizen woman married non Hungarian citizen man, she would loose her Hungarian citizenship and her children wouldn’t get Hungarian citizenship at all.
That’s why they introduced simplified naturalization so that anyone with Hungarian ancestors can get Hungarian citizenship.
Verification based on present day borders of HU.
Simp Nat is former HU pre-Trianon. Slovakia, Romania etc.
process taking longer now than before based on surge of applications and number could be capped at 1 million.
Thanks ALOT for the info. Actually my dad was born in a village in Zala megye, right outside of Zalaegerszeg. He left Hungary in 1956. None of this should be a problem in terms of paper work. I had his old ID cards, his baptismal certificate, Hungarian work ID as well as his American naturalization papers, etc. The counselor was great in Chicago as he helped me fill out the paperwork. Although my Hungarian is OK the legalese was challenging. In any case I wonder why it has taken more than a year. But as you mentioned verification is a longer process.
Thanks again!
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