
Naturalisation and citizenship in Qatar


Hello everyone,

What are the requirements for acquiring citizenship in Qatar? For example, length of residence, language requirements, employment etc..

What formalities are involved in the process?

What is the policy on dual-citizenship in Qatar? Do you have to give up your former nationality?

What are the advantages and benefits of acquiring Qatari citizenship, in your opinion?

Thank you for sharing your experience.


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You have to be a Qatari to get citizenship in Qatar. Westerners can only obtain a Residence permit.


Naturalisation in Qatar is almost impossible, expect if you are a special high power athlete and that would be only for the period of your athletic career.


In Arab countries, taking nationality should not be too distant to think about why it would be like bringing the moon to the ground


There is no such thing as naturalisation in Qatar.  There used to be a time where they need to hand out the nationality to build a local population base but that was more than 35 years ago as many Indians and Iranians became Qatari.


I guess they don't give citizenship.

Mahfuz alam

Sorry too much time delay. I'm Mahfuz alam from bangladesh. But I'm working in Qatar.I'm 1 year 6 month working in Qatar.I know hindi, Arabi, english language.