Job Opportunity in Dammam, KSA

Hi dear readers,

Ahm I would like to ask your help, suggestions, comments with regards to my problem, actually i dont know if it is a it goes...

I have this job proposition/opportunity/offer as a Loss Prevention Engineer
in a company named Zamil Steel located or based at Dammam, KSA.

First, I don't have any overseas experience yet.
Im just only 26.
Second, I don't have any relatives or friends in the area
and i don't have any idea about the place (Dammam)...

So here are my question guys;
1. They are offering me a basic/net pay of 3,500 Saudi Riyal plus at least 750 Saudi Riyal for the accomodation and food allowance and 500 Saudi Riyal for Transportation allowance.  Is it a good offer guys, as for a newbie or first timer or first time to work overseas?...

2. Is the cost of living in dammam is costly?...

3. Is Zamil STeel is well known company there?...

and can you please give me your 2 cents or idea with regards to my dilemma?..

Hoping for your positive response on my problem.
Thank you in advance...

Welcome on the forum blindspot_jr ;)

@ blindspot_jr

1st tym in Dammam (& abroad) but cn shr my xprnc.

Ur salary is ok but u hv 2 find sm place as soon as u land. U cn save a lot (dpnds on ur lifestyle). U cn find frndz evrywhr.
Cost of livn in SR is low (but in ur local currency it may b hi).


Convert your total monies by 3.75 US dollars, and that will tell you what your salary is compared to your country.  That should help you decide.  Good luck.

With ur acomodation, food and travel allowance taking care of, being a bachelor, u can add another 1000 to 1500 SAR per month to other misc. expenses and and the rest are Savings for you. :)

I am not in that area ( Loss Prevention Engineer) you r in and dont know how much u actually get back home for the same experience in this field, however looking at the salary, (basic/net pay of 3,500), one can safely say that the savings would be very minimal at the cost of loosing certian other things based on the environment and country into which u wil be coming in.

At the end of the day, u r the better judge on how much u can earn back in ur country and save and wt u can earn, save and lose enter into KSA. :)
