
Getting married in Amman Jordan


Hello, I am an American Christian and my fiancé is an Iraqi Christian and we want to be married in Amman Jordan. HELP!! I have no clue as to how to go about the procedures? Will a Pastor from a local church marry us, etc?  Thankf for any info :)

See also

Blood testing for those who want to marry a Jordaniangetting a driver's licenseNon-resident foreigners getting married in JordanHow Marry at Jordan?American getting married in Jordan

you did not get any reply yet! I am Muslim but I have many Christians friends and as I know yes a pastor from local churches will Mary you, congratulations and I hope things will go the way you want)


Thank you for your kind reply! :) May I know the names of the Churches who will marry us? Perhaps after we marry, my husband and I can meet up with you and have a coffee? Always love too make new friends. Again, Thank you! :)