
Its holidayyyyy...

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Joe. Augustina

Hi..tomorrow is a holiday... What will u do during  the holiday ?? ... And its also week end.. So its gonna be a long holiday u have any plan ??

See also

Leisure and lifestyle in IndonesiaThings to do in Jakarta alone, with friends or with familyThings to do on weekdays in BaliEating out in JakartaSports in Jakarta

Thursday is a red day, a national holiday and a new one at that.
This is the first time Pancasila day has been celebrated and it couldn't be more welcome to me.
Pancasila is the basis of the Indonesian national thought and ensures fair treatment for all regardless of ethnic background or religion.

I love all five principles but my favourite is the third, Persatuan Indonesia, or the unity of this wonderful country.

Basically, I see number three as a "be nice to everyone" message and I like it.

Peace, love and understanding is fantastic.

Joe. Augustina

Hi there fred..yes..unity is the number one factor the all country need.. And yes i agreed with u.. The third of pancasila prinpciple is one of the most important from all principles... But.. Sometime..a lot of people ignored that..

And where will u go for holiday  ??


I don;t think we'll go far.
I dislike traffic jams and there are going to be plenty.
We might well go to a mall tomorrow or maybe take the kids swimming... or maybe both.


I will do nothing tomorrow. Work Friday and Saturday.

Its a day off and thats nice

Joe. Augustina

Swimming is fun..well u still can spend ur time with ur family.. Not like me.. I need to do my work still.. I cant go no where.. Huufftt.. 
Well...have fun fred

Joe. Augustina

Luke.. Yes.. Me too.. Tomorrow untill saturday i still do my work.. Its starting to crowded now.. During the ramadhan.. Everybody buying clothe (im a clothe seller).. Online system... So.. Its so hard to go on a holiday


And here we are at Pancasila day.
Breakfast was very nice, I made an excellent chicken curry on a bed of rice - Yum yum.
No real plans save maybe the swimming but I think we can skip the shopping centres in favour of Giant because I want to do a bit of shopping and can't afford any new cameras this month but the Samsung C9 is looking cow eyed at me and calling our for marriage to my 3 sim card and 128gb micro sim.
I haven't bought a phone for a very long time as birthdays pressies have looked after that little money draining activity but my S5 is started to slow down so a new smartphone might be a good idea.
Perhaps a Pancasila day gift too myself is in order. I'll decide later but I'm unsure I can buy that phone without upgrading to a 256gb micro SD. It would seem unreasonable not to use it to its full.

Outside my daily activities for today, I will be holding a minor celebration this evening with ice creams, neopolitan seems fair as diversity is the order of the day, perhaps with cream and strawberry sauce to represent the Indonesian flag.

Anyway, away from obsessing about delicious ice cream and delicious technology, today is about the founding principals of Indonesia.

I love Pancasila.

Joe. Augustina u made ur choice  ?? or new phone  ??..i have three phone.. Andromax + samsung j5 and oppo...but id love my andromax the most... Its cheap.. And its awesome.. Its having 2gb ram etc.. Etc.. And the internet package is cheap too..


The C9 has 64 on board memory with 6 (yes, 6) gb of RAM and will accept a 256gb micro SD.

I think that might make a nice pressie for me but it's 7 million so I may have to consider for a moment before I go for it.

Joe. Augustina

Hmm.. 7 million for a camera  ??...u might need to think about it fred....its to hmmm.. Much for a camera....but well...hobbies is still a hobbies.. When u like matter how much it will cost...


The C9 is a Samsung phone .. a nice one. … oCD4_w_wcB

They show the price as a little lower .. the temptation increases for my possible Pancasila day gift


Better link … alaxyC9Pro

Joe. Augustina

Hehe..oh i see... But why dont u buy a cheaper phone  ??...


Joe. Augustina wrote:

Hehe..oh i see... But why dont u buy a cheaper phone  ??...

None can do what this little toy does.

Joe. Augustina's and their toy... Well.. Good luck fred


if anybody need swimming lesson, i can give u a lesson during the holidays


I just got an A7 for less than 6 million and its awesome. 16mp camera front and back, 3gb ram, 32 gb internal and its waterproofed and dust proof.

My nexus 5 which is the best phone I have had since being in Indonesia finally stopped after 3.5  years of being excellent


visipandu wrote:

if anybody need swimming lesson, i can give u a lesson during the holidays

Apart from adverting not being allowed on the open forums, my wife would potong potong sosis saya if I took lessons from a beautiful young lady.

Joe. Augustina

Lol fred.. Whats that potong potong sosis.. Hahhaa... And luke.. Really  ??..u gave ur old phone a retired  ??...

And fred.. U may want to look at andromax phone..


My old phone died. Thats all

Joe. Augustina in peace for that phone then.. Hehe


Joe. Augustina wrote:

And fred.. U may want to look at andromax phone..

My 2 year old has an Android max cheap and cheerful thing to play his youtube videos and games on.
I wouldn't want to buy one for myself but they would be useful for a first time phone owner who doesn't want to spend much.

Joe. Augustina

Lol.. No.. Andromax had a lot of type fred..which type that ur kid have  ??


A cheap one. No clue as to the type.
We went swimming by the way.

Joe. Augustina

Thats fun.. Go to swim.. Me  ??..i dont go anywhere, as a matter a fact.. Im in the train right now.. On the way to my work.. But.. Well.. Listen to country music is my only entertainment for me..and my only way to spend my boring day..

And that cheap phone im sure its the c type


I think it's an A if I recall the box but I looked a lot more at the price as it was for a 2 year old who had bathed his previous one.

I want something with some poke and some memory so I can use it as a back up for my important files and keep a pile of films on there.
256 gb will do until big cards are available. I can get my Star trek collection on 64 gb but need 128 for my films. The music only takes up a little, maybe 25gb if I only take the stuff I like best.

like this



and this


This also works

and this

Joe. Augustina

Ahh.. Acdc.. Awesome...i like country music the most.. Its relaxing..and lil bit romantic.. Lol..


Some country is fine but a lot is suicidal when you listen to what they're singing and that puts me off because I'm a happy little sheep most of the time.
I love rock and classical but my tastes are wide so I listen to load of stuff.
I don't listen as often as I used to as many years of being a DJ sort of outs you off a little but that mostly applies to pop.
I did a couple of radio shows here and liked it a lot so I would be quite interested if work in radioland turned up.
After all, I have the perfect face for radio.

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