Applying for expat tax in Belgium

Dear all,

I am curious if anyone has experience of filing expat status for tax reduction in Belgium.

My condition:

One-year contract with possibility of extension.
Partner residing in a foreign country (other than Belgium).

Any experiences/suggestions are welcome. Thank you!!

Hi ,

Your employer needs to initiate the process for accuiring expat tax status and this should be done within 6 months from your date of joining the company.

However there are certain conditions which should be met :

1Your employer should be part of a global group .
2. You should have been directly hired from abroad

I work for a federal research institute. I read a document provided by, stating research personnel may qualify. Is anyone in this position?



Hi guys,

I'm based in the UK and have been offered a new job in Belgium. I believe that I qualify for the expat tax status, but the employer is suggesting they employ me directly in Belgium using a sister company established there, which can take care of payroll.

I'm concerned this may affect my eligibility for the expat tax status - shouldn't I be employed by the London-based company and then "posted" to Belgium?

Thanks for your help.

As you are an EU Citizen you wilöl be employed as (EU)  Belgium Citizen so will pay their taxes.

A company which is part of a bigger international group can request for a special expat tax status for an individual. However since you are EU national , the special expat tax status might not be applicable for you.



I think it might be applicable for you. however double check with hr


Does anyone have any document of applying for expat status, the conditions and criteria and how to apply?

Additionally I would like to know, Is there any disadvantage of having an expat status in longer run.

If anyone have this knowledge , Kindly share
It would be a great help.

Thanks in advance

If you are eligible, your employer will tell you. :)

Some more info here: … e-tax.html