Work time
Cumulating studies and jobs logically means working part-time, that is, less than the legal weekly (35 hours) or that set by the sector of activity for a full-time job. And as a student, you are not bound by the obligation now linked to fixed-term contracts, namely to work minimum 24 hours a week.
If you work part-time or more, and your contract runs for the entire academic year (September 1 to August 31 of the following year), you will be granted the status of salaried student, who opens up Certain establishments to scheduling arrangements, but also to exemptions from attendance. Two requirements to benefit from this status: report your job as soon as you register at your institution and start working on September 1st.
Salary and remuneration
Like all employees, you are entitled to the minimum wage (SMIC). His hourly rate is € 9.67 gross (excluding taxes), ie € 1,466.62 gross per month on the basis of 35 hours worked weekly. You can of course earn more depending on the position and your experience!
On a fixed-term contract, a precariousness bonus is normally paid at the end of the contract, equivalent to at least 10% of the gross wage for the duration of the contract. Warning ! This right is canceled if you continue your studies after your contract is terminated, or if you are hired on a permanent contract by your employer in the wake of your fixed-term contract.
In the interim, you receive a certain salary guarantee: you receive the same salary that would be paid by an employee on a permanent contract to the same position as you in the company in which you will work. And a little more: you benefit from the same rights and benefits (meals, transport refunds, etc.) as the employees of the company in which you are going to work!
You were recruited by a university
You sign a student contract, for a mission related to reception, animation, professional integration, tutoring, assistance, etc. Concluded for a maximum period of 12 months, it provides for a duration of work equivalent to or less than half-time for the first 10 months (September to June) and full time for July and August.
The organization of work must allow you to follow your course: the institution does not have the right to make you work during compulsory courses and exams!
You are recruited by an individual employer
Baby-sitting, help with duty ... sometimes your employer is an individual! However, you have rights, and your employer must declare you! Being registered allows you to contribute to the various social welfare funds (unemployment, retirement, etc.) and to assert your rights in the future.
The signing of an employment contract is not compulsory if you work less than 8 hours per week, but in any case you receive a pay slip. Your rights are similar to those of a lambda employee (paid holidays, SMIC), but you can not claim to be reimbursed for your transportation.
And the Secu in all this?
Once employed, you continue to be attached to the Student Social Security, with payment of your membership fee at the beginning of the year.
But if you have the status of salaried student, you now fall under the so-called general social security system, like the majority of employees. You no longer have to contribute to the student plan, your contribution is deducted directly from your salary each month. You must update your Vitale card and have your healthcare expenses refunded to the Health Insurance Fund of your place of residence.