
Native Cantonese speaker looking for a job in Bangkok

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Dear all,

I come from Hong Kong, working as a pension officer in a pension and insurance company now. I have been working in Finance field for 10 years. I'm native Cantonese speaker, also can speak fluent English and Mandarin. I wanna move to Bangkok and have a long stay there, looking for a job as administration/secretary/translator/pension and finance/marketing and communication/hotel and tourism...etc.

If you found any jobs which fit for me, please feel free to contact me. Any recommendation will be highly appreciated!

Thanks and regards,

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Job offers in BangkokFinding work in BangkokUnderstanding the work environment in BangkokBangkok's labour marketStarting a business in Thailand
bkk tea blog

Those language skills might be worthwhile here; the problem is going to be connecting them with work opportunities.  I wouldn't expect anyone here to be much help with specifics because it never works out that way on this site, at least in forum discussions.  I'm not sure where else to recommend though.  There are online jobs databases but I think they're only designed for Thais.  I'll mention a main one though:

It might be helpful to try to ask people from Hong Kong living here directly.  This site had a feature to search for members living in or from different places but I've not checked if they still do or not.  Another similar forum you might check on is Internations, although you would want to check on restrictions about posts before asking anywhere, or about divisions within forums relating to different subjects.


Dear bkk tea blog,

Thanks for your reply. It's a very good recommendation to ask for Hong Kong peoples who are living in Bangkok. Thanks!



Hi Kristy

There are not many Hong Kongners in Thailand. I know CX; Hong Kong Trade Department have people from HK

There's a HK guy doing truck tyres business and 2 HK ladies are full time housewives married to Thais.

There's HK Thai Chamber of Commerce and most members are Thais.

Cantonese are not widely spoken by Thais but you may speak to some members of Singaporeans and Malaysians communities here.

As for Mandarin, many Chinese from China are working as Chinese teachers and few from Taiwan. Many Chinese are doing business here too.

If you had experience in the hospitality field, it's easier to get jobs here as lots of hotels and hospitality companies.

Wish you all the best


Dear Rejoice,

Thank you for your reply. Yes, you are right! There are not many peoples are speaking Cantonese in Bangkok, though many Hong Kong peoples travel to there. There are bigger market for mandarin speakers.

If I do not have experience in hospitality, and speak fair mandarin, I think that it's better to look for a job at international companies or look for a job about pension fund/retirement scheme which I am working for in Hong Kong.  As I know, there are not many companies are operating for pensions in Bangkok, right? Also, I'm quite interested in the job as translator(English-Chinese).

Thanks and regards,


Hi Kristy,

Thai Chinese usually speak Teochew with an accent. Not many Thai Chinese can speak Teochew now as language, culture, tradition etc are passed down.

They called themselves Thais but Chinese roots are gone. Unlike Thais who are northern or north east or south whereby they have their own language, culture, tradition etc

Many Chinese from mainland are here and if you go to Chinatown in Bangkok, most products are from China. Quite a few shops are own by the Chinese too.

Thai companies that need Chinese language will hire Chinese from mainland as its lower cost. Some of them can speak English fairly well too.

Thai companies that need English staff will hire Filipinos as lower cost especially for export communication.

Now there's Google translation and some Thai companies are using it but the message will make you laugh or you get headache. They use word for word in Google translation.

As for mandarin teaching, schools here hire Chinese from mainland or Taiwan. Some international school employ Singaporeans to teach English or mandarin as they are bilingual.

Regarding pension job, you need to know the staff in this field are Thai civil servants who read, speak and write Thai. They will not employ foreigner.

If you had read the news, Thailand pension is short of funds in few years and they plan to extend or increase the social security fees.

The private sector employees does not have any pension or retirement fund but depend on their personal insurance policy. It's like to each his own.

You need to know and understand Thailand history, bureaucracy, culture, tradition as she is different from countries in this region comparing to Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong who were under the British Colony before.

Yes many Hong Kongners come to Thailand and very easy to spot from their dress code, behaviour, language and places that they go. You can even see some of them holding the guide book bought in HK.

There are certain matters that cannot be disclosed public and you are welcome to ask me by private message.

Names of contacts and contact information can't be written here.

I wish you all the best and perhaps can give you some ideas etc

Oh I can speak Cantonese and been to HK couple of times too. Got few friends there and 1 of them work for children welfare of divorced parents.


Dear Rejoice,

Thank you so much for your information. It seems that the job opportunities for Hong Kongese are limited because of the cost of hiring. It is understand...

Keep looking for the right opportunities.....




Please post your offer in the jobs section at the top of this page.


Moderated by Bhavna 7 years ago
Reason : Please drop an advert in the jobs section
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Dear Kamolrat,

Good timing!! I just moved to Bangkok and looking for freelance. I’m interested in English - Chinese translation/proofreading. I’ll send you email and chat. Thank you!




I have offices in Bangkok and Hong Kong. I am currently looking for an assistant that can assist in both locations. 80% Bangkok 20% HKG . If this may be of interest to you i will be in HKG Wed/Thurs this week and we could arrange for an interview .



Hi DL,

Thank you for your message. I’m now staying in Bangkok and will not go to Hk for the coming two months. Maybe we can meet in Bangkok when you are here. Could you please inbox me about your business information? Thank you!


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