Native speaker teacher

Hello! We are looking for native speaker teacher for improvement and practicing English conversation. We made a small speaking club (5-8 students) & We'd like to get studies 1 times a week.
If it's interesting, please, contact me via e-mail
Yours faithfully,

Hi Iryna,

could you please post in the classifieds > language classes ?

Thanks problem :)

please help: I've tried to send a letter to some native speakers from "Network" with proposition of work. But I my message hasn't been sent. I received this: "In order to prevent spam issues, the private message system is not fully activated for new users. Have you presented yourself on the forum ? Please exchange a few messages with us on the forum, and we will fully activate the private message system". I don't understand what I have to write to you? :)

Hello irina_zzzz,

Everything is explained here:
