
Running in Kuwait (Long Distance)

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varty ian

anyone around? any running groups?
Running a long distance

See also

Leisure activities in KuwaitRoller Blading in SalmiyaAre there Dance Rehearsal Studio for Rent?If you want to play Soccer/Football, register here.Tennis class in Boulevard Salmiya

hello :D

yes, plenty of running groups - unfortunately all located by Salmiya! humongous tho, search for q8runclub on instagram, tell em the flash sent you ;)

Annnd, if long distance running is your thing, i look forward to seeing you for the Gulf Bank Marathon - my preferred distance is and always has been the half tho! but its one of the best races kuwait has to offer. check out for more info on the race calendar of Kuwait!

and if u have any other running related queries, where to shop here etc. feel free to ask me any time.

us runners have to stick together


We should organize a group south of 6th ring road. I am in Egaila and I can do a half-marathon, although I took a break over the summer. Probably a bit rusty now, but as soon as weather improves I'll be back on track.

varty ian

I will be based in Egaila too starting September. Maybe we should find a group nearby to run with,

thanks legacy, i will be checking the info you mentioned! I wish to participate in Gulf Bank but I am pretty sure I will travel to Lebanon to participate in the Beirut Marathon on Nov 12....

varty ian

do you know if there are any training teams?


I am in. I am having problems finding a decent track to run at in the vicinity. American University of Middle East has a great running track but I tried and there is no way for outsiders to use it. :(

At least everyone in my neighborhood knows me as the weirdo who runs around.

varty ian

How long is the American University of Middle East's running track?

I have never explored Egaila before I move there, but my wish is to find a track, can't we run near the Coast?


Not sure, but from the air it seems decent enough:

More importantly, it has a proper surface. However all this is moot as we can't access it. They seem to be very militant about it. Too bad as it is mostly unused from what I have heard. :)

There is a park that I used to go to just south of the location above which is actually nice unless there are families who let their 10 year olds drive SUV around the park while you are trying to run.

As for the coast, I think the track there is not very long, and can be crowded, so I never bothered. Ah, there is a fairly long track all along the west side of Mubarak Al Kabeer block 3:

However the drainage is messed up so after the rainfall it tends to be dirty and muddy.

Eventually I settled for running around my own block. At least I can start running withing minutes after leaving my home.


tracks are 400M around

varty ian

Yes you're right. I didn't know he was taking about a football field!

but there's a park called Egaila park?


varty ian wrote:

but there's a park called Egaila park?

That is the one I mentioned above, just south of the track/field.

It is good, the only problem is that the public lighting is not working so it is pitch black after sunset.


How many Km?
It's to hot nowadays to run out doors.

But wish you all the best.


Hi all! I am moving Kuwait next Friday and I was wondering, as the temperatures are quite high now, are there any indoor facilities for running avoiding that hot? Here, in Cordoba, South of Spain, it is hot too, but you can run very smoothly early morning (temperatures below 30 degrees) but I don't think this can be possible in Kuwait.


varty ian

hey who wants to run 22km in Mahboula?!


Hi Varty! Actually 22 km is still far from my usual average (10-12 km) but someday I would like to reach that goal.

By the way, I found an event which can be interested for runners, the next Tuesday:  Running in Shaheed Parl, someone joining?





Guys, guys, if you need to borrow a car just ask!   :lol:

Good luck with the run, I think you guys are absolutely insane and I am in awe of your running abilities  :thanks:


Haha, I don't think I can do this now, in this season, but probably after the weather cool down a bit.



varty ian

hahahahhaha! 5 am is a great weather!!!


That's the hour when I am going to run these days. Soon I will need to go to work at 6:15, so I will keep this just for weekends.


Hi everybody,

I found a website where you can check the race calendar for this year in Kuwait if you are interested:

I will try the 10km race probably, anyone else to join?

varty ian



So who is going? I am! Great way to do some good and to motivate me to restart my training. I think I will go for 5k as I have been a couch potato since March. If anyone wants to join ands wants a pickup from Egaila/Fintas area, give me a shout.


Hi Ribosom, thanks for sharing!

I will register too. I live in Fintas area so I will let you know.

By the way, would anyone like to go this Friday to run by the seaside in Salmiya area? I think it is a long sidewalk and views are stunning. I will try 10 km (around one hour) between 5pm and 6pm.

Let me know if you join!!


I will let you know if I am available. Don't think 10k would be smart for me, but I can try 5 at least.


Ok Ribosom, I will be ready ;)

Are there more runners in the forum?


hell yes and already signed up for runkuwait and the 642 half marathon ;)


You are right there on the web page image slider wearing a Flash costume last year if I am not mistaken. :)

Restarted my running training yesterday, wasn't as bad as I expected it to be.


I am keen to join Friday guys for the salmiya run! Would struggle to do the 10km but why not give it a try!

See you then


I won't struggle, I know I am not up to the task right now. :) I might do 5k, but still need to be careful. Let's aim for this Friday.


Hi guys, I registered already too to both races!! This Sunday there is one more race, but I won't be able to join this time. Here is the link if you are interested:

About meeting this Friday, are you guys still in? We can start from Babel, near Marina Beach. We can run 5 km and go back. I can continue running back up to 10km, and we can go somewhere later all together around Salmiya to recover energies.


i am still keen dudes


I'm in pains from my Sunday running session, but I will do another one tomorrow and I'm definitely in for Friday to at least do another easy training + socializing afterwards. Around 4PM? Pakonas, I can give you a lift and I believe Spaceous is already in Salmiya?


Yes i am near salmiya! I been doing 10km for the past 2 weeks but i walk in between. Yesterday i ran 4k walked 1k then ran 4k and finished with a 1k walk. Today and Thursday i am planning to do the same again then hopefully on Friday i can run the full 10k with you guys.


Yes, 4pm can be good, so we will finish around sunset, good time. If you pass by Fintas, I really appreciate if you can pick me and go together from here. Thanks man!!



I have signed up for the Gulf bank marathon. Will be doing the 21k run. I was not able to find any running groups on this side of Kuwait (mahboula, egaila, abu halifa) and I would like to start one myself. The weather is perfect and there are 2-3 tracks I can think of off the bat. There are just 3 weeks left and we could get at least 6-8 runs done by then. Do get in touch if any of you are interested.



Hi Ronel, that´s great! Would you like to join tomorrow for some running in Salmiya area?



Where are you guys kicking off the run and at what time?


I think we could set up a meeting at 4pm near Babel entrance, in Salmiya, what do you think? The idea is running towards Two Towers, run 5 kms in one direction and then 5 kms back again to Babel. Later we can go for a drink or eat something around that area, since there are more options.

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