Retiring in Bangladesh

Hello everyone,

Why did you choose to retire in Bangladesh? What are the advantages compared with your home country?

What were your main considerations when deciding to move? For example, taxes, ease of transferring your pension, etc..

Are there any specific formalities you had to go through as a retiree moving to Bangladesh (for example, is there a particular retirement visa)?

What is Bangladesh's healthcare like? Have you had any good or bad experiences dealing with healthcare professionals?

Do you have any tips for other retirees in Bangladesh?

Thank you for sharing your experience.


IF YOU WANT A PRECISE EXPLANATION PLEASE CONTACT YOUR NEAREST Bangladesh embassy  to find the real answer.


Never ever even imagine Bangladesh as a place for retirement , I am a Bangladeshi myself living in Bangladesh , just to bring the facts in to reality , kindly note my patriotism is not a question here ,

1. Visa is not a problem at all here but for the process you have to spend speed useless money  , every single paper process regardless what ever it is one need to spend always extra speed money ,

2. There is no health care system at all , if you try to give it a rank , it will be -00

3. There is no night life also its not safe at all  walking alone after evening even in the capital city Dhaka

4. Law and order situation is worst

5. Food quality worst in the world due to day to day local innovation of preserving foods

6. Price of foods in quality super market  are even more expensive than some super markets in UK , USA

7. There is no emergency services  , it is so called emergency services ,

8. There is no planned or disciplined transportation ,  safety record is the worst in the world

9. Dhaka is the world champion in Traffic Jam and the record is unbeatable ,

10.Specially for foreign female person it will be nightmare living here

11. Sanitation and hygienic senses are completely unavailable