
i'm moving to Singapore from Dubai for a job....

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Hi All,
Hope everybody is doing great.
I'm from Tamilnadu ,now in Dubai .As a Engineering professional having 15+years experience in MEP industry Looking job in Singapore and will be available in Oct'17.
So, i want to know the market outlook in MEP industry in Singapore, where to stay low  price bed space or sharing room and other details to survey the same.

I'm expecting your valuable information and will give new life in my carrier...

Thank you,


There are lots of discussions containing good advice on how to find a job in Singapore. Use the search function to find them!
It is a good idea to be in Singapore during your job search, as you are unlikely to be interviewed if you're not.
Before you have a work visa or other residence permit, you are not allowed to rent a normal room or flat and, unless you have friends you can bunk at, you must stay in a hotel, hostel or serviced apartment. While there may be places available from S$60/night up, anything half-decent will cost you above S$100/night.


Thanks your info. As I know the sharing bed space available everywhere not only in hotel. 

So if you know the places let me know.



If by "sharing bed space" you mean AirBnB-style short-term rentals, you may be disappointed to hear that these are illegal in Singapore: You can only rent residential property with a residence visa and for a minimum period of 6 months.
If you are offered a room for shorter, it is almost certainly a cheat!
(And: Singapore is NOT a good place to break the rules!)


Ohh, post . Thanks for your info.

Let me know the 15+years professional candidates easy way to find MEP/ construction jobs or any other jobs in Singapore?


kaanthal wrote:

Let me know the 15+years professional candidates easy way to find MEP/ construction jobs or any other jobs in Singapore?

As I said before, there are lots of discussions containing good advice on how to find a job in Singapore on this forum. Use the search function to find them!





I found this link to be useful for your lodging needs.

You will be able to narriow down your search for public flat or private condominiums with sharing of bedrooms.



I have seen your post that you are looking for a work in construction filed.. well I am a civil engineer (fresh graduate) with 5 years relevant to construction after obtaining my diploma and before my engineering degree ( structural) .

I went to singapore for 30 days and I can tell you more about Singapore as We are in the same field.
First of hand, do not resign your job yet! Even if you find a job! Here is more complicated than elsewhere.. here you need to get an approval from the ministry of Manpower which is a monkey game with alot of rejection rates! Some due to the candidates itself and some due to company credibility and some also due to the HR mistakes!!
Be very careful about this! Make sure you keep your job, attend an interview first, have the company approve your employment pass then get the confirmation letter in your hand then leave! ( just a quick tip..join the singapore forum on and search for : EP rejected and see what is  going on here  😂 .. so be very careful about your options!

Ok.. how to find jobs!
Go on google, search for jobs bank singapore, you will get a website called refer to this name or similar to this.
Search the company post the job in this website and email or call them.

Why this website? This is the website is only open for*** but you can by pass it and search the company name on google to apply ;)

One more thing: If you know BIM based platforms or revit then you are guaranteed!

Hope that helps...

By the way I will be coming to Dubai soon and I am going to look for a position as a civil engineer/structural or similar to that.. I am certified in some structural design platforms.. Hope you can let me know how it works over there? How to find a job? Is getting work permit easy? Or its a monkey game like singapore?

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