
Charity for Children

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Hi all,

We found out that our hopes of moving to Puerto Rico this year would be set back for a while. One of the things we had wanted to do was give back to the community. Seeing that is delayed I want to try to start or donate to a charity that helps children. I had something like an "Operation Backpack" in mind where I could ship backpacks and school supplies to a school in need of them. My initial intentions were to do all this when we moved but once we received the bad news of not moving I thought why wait! I've tried looking online but couldn't find anything specific to what I was looking for. It's my hopes that anyone here can put me in contact with or give me information on any schools that are in need. It is my intentions to start donating a certain amount from my business. Any info you could provide is greatly appreciated and thanks!


See also

Living in Puerto Rico: the expat guideSchools in ViequesMost affordable private schools in San JuanMoving to Puerto Rico with kidsMidwives in Puerto Rico?

Check this site: … oRico.html


Thanks Rey and to everyone else who responded via my Facebook post. It looks like I will be working with Second Union Church in Guaynabo to help support their wonderful youth programs. Thanks again to everyone for your help!!!

Articles to help you in your expat project in Puerto Rico

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