
Please explain, your initial residency container

Sosua dreaming

Thank you

See also

Citizenship in the Dominican RepublicTraveling to the Dominican RepublicRetiring in the Dominican RepublicGetting married in the Dominican RepublicDeath in the Dominican Republic

Ok. When you apply for residencia yiu then have the ability to bring in a container of items for personal use. You pay shipping etc but no tax or duty. There are fees etc.

There are rules to follow. You cant bring in 5 brand new tvs etc. Its a household if personal goods and can include 1 vehicle less than 5 years old and owned completely (no loans).


How do you establish "value" for the fees, what you paid for your household items (furniture, TVs, appliances), or what they're worth if you tried to sell them?

From what I've been reading even for this "one time exception" car tax is based upon DR  government valuation (much higher than what we'd have for valuation in the US). Correct?


with the cars,  you need to pay 'tax' on it and yes they value as if it is from here.   In terms of personal effects you dont pay tax on those if you are within the window for residencia. As I understand it, that is  6 months.



Bob K

The personal items and household items are also supposed to be used. Not new in the boxes

Bob K