
Driving License between Dubai & Sharjah


Hii..can anyone advise me whether it is better to apply at Dubai or at Sharjah..i havent got an appt. yet so i am staying at hotel.
Based on my residency, my company will enroll me with either Dubai or Sharjah schools.

I have heard that some ppl have had problems at Sharjah and couldnt get their license except after 6 months !!!! and loads of tries to pass the tests !

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Hi Brother!!
This depends on ur visa! If ur visa is from Sharjah, then u have to apply for the DL from Sharjah and similarly if ur visa is from Dubai, u have to apply for the DL from Dubai!
There is a possibility to change the emirate you are applying for.. but its really difficult!
For example, if your visa is from Sharjah but ur company has also got a branch in Dubai, then ur company will provide a letter to Traffic Police (Maroor) and then u have to obtain NOC from Maroor for opening the file in Dubai and then u can proceed. But believe me, this process is not so easy!!
Secondly, the main question?
If its still in ur hand to get the sharjah or dubai's visa, then better go with Dubai.. because its a nightmare to take the DL from Sharjah!! The main problem is that when u get registered, ur turn may come after 4-6 months and then after completion of all theory, practical classes.. u have to wait for the final test date for pre-test as well as final test... this waiting can be like 15 days or 2 months! and if u fail in anyone of them, the next date will take another 15 days to 2 months!! therefore, u can imagine that the whole process can end up in an year!!!
The main advantage of Dubai is that u can have flexible schedule for classes and tests, even if u fail in first test, the next test will be in couple of days or a week!! so, even if u make 3 attempts.. it should not take more than 2 months in total!! :)
this is my personal observation that an average person having a good sense to driving takes a driving license in Dubai with 2 months!!

Good Luck my friend!!!!
btw, I am based in Sharjah and I got the driving license .. el7amdella!!


yes James, my company has an office in Dubai.
My visa was already issued from Sharjah and i have not opened any files yet at (Maroor). Do i have to live in Dubai to apply there or can my company just issue a paper saying that i work at the dubai office but since the main branch is in Sharjah, they got the visa for me from there ?

Thanks for your help.


You have to check this!! may be u have to prove that ur accommodation is in Dubai! or u can visit the maroor office located at airport road in Sharjah and u can discuss with them!!
but this process might be complicated!! so good luck with that! :)

Do let me know if u need any other information!!

c u

Uzair shabbir

Hey.i m currently living in dubai and studying in dibai in a university and i m thinking to apply for my license but the main problem is my visa is of sharjah and i m on sponser visa from my dad and i am here as a student.
Will i be able to take classes from dubai because sharjah is too far from my place and my i m a university student so ita difficult to manage with the timings..


The UAE Drivers Licenses are now issued as "UAE" license, unlike "Dubai' or 'Shj' in the old days.  One could actually technically obtain the license or renew it in any Emirate.  Of course there is paperwork that cannot be helped.


Hello all, i am in Sharjah but my visa is from Dubai, however i would like to know if i need to go to Dubai to get my international license.

I have already a license (international from Portugal) and i have been told that i don't need to have driving lessons again, just need to fill some forms.. does anyone knows more about this?

thanks for the help


European License holders will get UAE license without much testing.  Just some paperwork.


I am from the USA. Will I be able to get a license?

Thanks All!


Hey guys .. I am having licence of Sharjah and I wanna apply again for motorcycle licence but the problem is now my visa is of Dubai so any one know what to do