
Toulouse rent and wage



Has anyone heard of this rule that to successfully rent somewhere a monthly salary at least three times the monthly rent is usually required?

I might accept a job in Toulouse which has a salary of 31k which leaves me about 1800 a month and getting a not rubbish furnished studio for less than 700 is tricky!

Also, does anyone have an estimate of what their TOTal costs on accommodation are? I.e. including taxe d'habitation (how much is that?) and bills, insurance etc?

Any advice would be much appreciated! As Im struggling to work out if I can even afford to live there :(

Clare x

See also

Real estate listingsAccommodation in ToulouseAccommodation in FrancePublic bilingual elementary school in ToulouseUrgent! Looking for a flat in Toulouse


I'm not sure this is a definite rule but I'd say this is usually what an owner might expect from a tenant. This is to manage the risk of not getting the rent. So it could depend on factors. For example, if you're an expat working for Airbus, and Airbus is paying for your accomodation, of course the owner wouldn't care that much about your own income if you see what I mean.

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