
Want to be a nurse

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Caroline Simons

Am a 30 year I never got chance of studying nursing but now that is what I want to study is the any school for me to start from the scratch course I really really love to be a nurse or any short causes for me to become a nurse am from Ghana and I have been in Belgium for one year now please any help?

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If you have enough French or Dutch to follow z nursing course for n Belgium. You ll be able to google " nursing courses " in French or dutch.


You can follow nursing in many schools in Belgium. Day courses. As long as either your dutch or french is okay. It is also a "knelpunt beroep" meaning that you have guarantee of finding work when qualified. If you are on unemployment you can follow nursing with VDAB and retain your unemployment money. You can also chose to study the shorter "zorgkundige" course, which is like the first part of nursing, the basic care. It is a different profession, but not as demanding in school years or academic level. Also guarantee of work.

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