
TUSK's Belize itinerary... Suggestions and Advice is appreciated


Here are my Parameters:

My intention is to focus primarily on the Coast...  AC, CC, Hopkins, and Placencia...  And while I'm interested in both Northern and Southern Belize, I'm uncertain how much time a thorough recon will take.  I'm certain I will have to rent a car at some point unless there are alternatives.

TBD.  I've yet to get my passport, so this is super flexible...  I'm shooting for mid to late October through November.  Length of stay will likely be 2-4 weeks...  although longer is not out of the question....  Hell, if I dig it, I may just stay.

Places to Stay:
I for sure will spend a few nights with my buddies at Hopkins Inn...  the rest is flexible...  as a former Jarhead, I can sleep anywhere...  I'm not picky...  (Hot water/AC are nice, though). 

This is not a huge deal to me...  I can catch those at a later date.

I'm more interested in meeting people and making friends...  Both Expats and Locals...  I'm more of a Night Owl, so I suspect I'll bar hop a bit.  I'll also like a place to watch football the Saturdays I'm there.

Of secondary importance to me is that I research potential ST and LT property for housing and the ancillary procurement of building materials as I intend to build my own home (in the distant future should I feel Belize is "right" for me).

I'm a 48 year old, single male...  I consider myself reasonably sharp and gregarious...

Please feel free to ask any and all questions you think may benefit me and my trip!

Thanks to all!!!!


See also

Living in Belize: the expat guideMy pension letters.Planning on visiting for possible permanent livingLife changesCell Phones in Belize
Will The Old

TUSK wrote:

Here are my Parameters:

My intention is to focus primarily on the Coast...  AC, CC, Hopkins, and Placencia...  And while I'm interested in both Northern and Southern Belize, I'm uncertain how much time a thorough recon will take.  I'm certain I will have to rent a car at some point unless there are alternatives.

TBD.  I've yet to get my passport, so this is super flexible...  I'm shooting for mid to late October through November.  Length of stay will likely be 2-4 weeks...  although longer is not out of the question....  Hell, if I dig it, I may just stay.

Places to Stay:
I for sure will spend a few nights with my buddies at Hopkins Inn...  the rest is flexible...  as a former Jarhead, I can sleep anywhere...  I'm not picky...  (Hot water/AC are nice, though).

In Placencia I recommend two boutique hotels, there are no luxury or all inclusive hotels in the Village of Placencia. The SeaSpray owned and operated by my friend Norm, a 5th generation Belizean. The other is the SailFish.

Seaspray is within walking distance of everything in the village,  where SailFish is on the other side of a canal so you take a 30 second ride from their free shuttle boat. Lots of other small hotels but never stayed in them.

When in country I have 6:30am coffee most mornings with Norm and whatever other expats show up at De Tatch restaurant  (also owned by Norm)  on the beach next door to SeaSpray.  I plan to be back in Placencia after the peak of rainy season, late November.

So if you are still in the area then please stop by for coffee....Heck whenever you are in Placencia go have a free cup with Norm and whatever expats showup before the staff opens it up, even on Wednesdays when the sign will say they are closed. :)

Monkey Town brew

Hey. If no one has mentioned before, every area has fb groups that advertise short term and long term rentals. Those can be a good place to start.

Also, as far as getting around, I find the bus to be fine, and it's crazy cheap. Even though we have a car, I use the bus for longer journeys. They're basically old school buses, so they're not really comfortable, but 10 bucks from Belize city to Independence or placencia is pretty good when gas would cost me $50. There are express buses that don't stop so much and are old greyhounds, so they're more comfortable and less crowded. If you're claustrophobic at all, skip the regular bus. They pack them on sometimes.


I like CC a lot. The Sports Bar there is owned by a Vet (and his wife) and I had a lot of fun there watching my Royals win the World Series! When I was there I stayed in the rooms above the Happy Lobster. Its a family owned place and they live there too. The place is called Marliny's Guest House. Amazing customer service!! I got a great deal on a three week stay. Great food downstairs too. It is really just a basic room, no AC but you get a fan which was enough for me that time of year. It has a shared bath but it was always clean and they have a nice sitting area to watch the world go by. CANNOT beat the price for a private room.

I also stayed for a couple of days above the Cuban Restaurant on Front Street; its called the La Cubana Hostel. VERY small sleeping room (they have bigger ones) and you can get AC at night. OK food downstairs and its almost on the beach. There are a lot fancier places there to spend the night but I was working on the cheapest stay possible.

Mind you, I was there in 2015 so things may have changed but you should also go by the coffee shop called Ice and Beans. The guy that runs the place is an really great guy and makes the best mini donuts and smoothies. Good coffee too. They have a system of pay it forward so you can treat a stranger to coffee. SO cool!

Finally, while you are on Caye Corker don't miss Aunties if you like fried chicken! Of course they have other local foods but the chicken is AMAZING and cheap.

Mostly, just kick back and enjoy it for what it is. Sunsets on the back side of the island are spectacular and sunrise in front of Ice and Beans on the dock. An absolute must... go to Kenny's and meet the animals. He is one of the best guys and he runs an animal rescue and a bike shop. Drop a few bucks in the jar if you can, the place runs mostly on donations.

Have a great time!


Great tips, guys!!!! 

Please keep them coming!!!!


I think I mentioned that I got my passport within twelve days of Philadelphia receiving it.  It did take 5 weeks to get a "conditional approval" on the Global Entry Trusted Traveler (includes sailing through TSA + Customs) and I have my personal interview on Sept. 6 for final approval.  It is a $100 fee, but it is going to be worth not having to stand in lines at both places coming and going.  You will receive a pamphlet about the programs (if you don't know already) with your new passport.  Happy traveling!


In Belize being so small the PRE or Global entry mean nothing , every one gets the same treatment. Also one of the few places ( i haven't found anotherplace yet) that will still take Lighters from you. So if you buy one of those nice Belize decorated cigaret box holders with built in lighter as a souvenier,gift they will take the lighter out and good luck finding the exact size it takes when you get home.


Could you please share the link where you could fill out the info for TSA. We have aour passports already. Thanks so much!

CayeCaulker2017Maybe … obal-entry


If you don't have a TSA Pre-chceck / Known Traveler Number, it is worth the effort to get one for the US side of your trip - it's true, it has no effect in Belize, or the Bahamas, etc., but it does help on the US side. You just need to show up in person and get fingerprinted at one of the offices, took us about 15 min.
If you are in Placencia, you have to eat at Maya Beach Bistro. Best food in Belize, hands down. It's a few miles north of Placencia on the peninsula, at Maya Beach.
We love Hopkins and Placencia, but bought about 30 mi inland from the coast. Check out the Sittee River Marina while you are in Hopkins too.
Good luck on your excursion.


The website for applying for a global + two other programs is:
The acronym GOES stands for Global Online Enrollment System.  It will take about 6 - 8 weeks from beginning to end.

Will The Old

karenjoe wrote:

If you don't have a TSA Pre-chceck / Known Traveler Number, it is worth the effort to get one for the US side of your trip - it's true, it has no effect in Belize, or the Bahamas, etc., but it does help on the US side. You just need to show up in person and get fingerprinted at one of the offices, took us about 15 min.
If you are in Placencia, you have to eat at Maya Beach Bistro. Best food in Belize, hands down. It's a few miles north of Placencia on the peninsula, at Maya Beach.
We love Hopkins and Placencia, but bought about 30 mi inland from the coast. Check out the Sittee River Marina while you are in Hopkins too.
Good luck on your excursion.

I agree the Maya Beach Bistro has great food, and has great ambiance as well. Even though you can't see the sun set because it faces east, it is still is a great spot to have a just after sunset cocktail when the setting sun afterglow/clouds are right.  BTW I did not know it was a requirement for a TSA precheck.... :shy

Also agree the Riverbend Restaurant/bar is a wonderful scenic place to grab lunch. If your timing is right you might get to see the staff feed the pet alligator that swims into his pen from across the Sittee river.


Thanks!  Y'all rock!



He or she's a wild crocodile, and now associates people with food, so will eventually become too dangerous to have around.

Will The Old

Gota stop posting late at night :o 
You are correct it is a crocodile not a gator. Fun to watch the reaction of first time viewers when they realize what is swimming by the restaurant deck, well above the river.  :D


Does crocodile taste as good as alligator? :/