What to expect when moving to Italy
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Hello everyone,
Is there anything you wish you had known before moving to Italy? For example, transportation, internet speeds, types of housing, aspects of the culture or social life.
In your opinion, what's the most important thing to know about Italy?
When would you recommend someone should begin planning their move to Italy?
What were the most helpful ways you found to get organised? For example, did you use a checklist, were there any particularly useful websites or apps?
What advice would you give to future expats preparing to move to Italy?
Thank you for sharing your experience.
Interested to see the responses here. I know peoples experiences of such things will help me, and many others, hugely.
The first thing that they should expect to learn is that they should never have come to Italy in the first place. Italy is NOT "La Dolce Vita" It is a disaster.
An explanation would be very helpful...?
I should have been more specific. North Italy is the disaster. It is infested with refugees, crime, violence against women, beggars in the streets...hatred of Americans..etc. The only real Italy is Naples and on to the South. Sicily is the best. Forget the North.
I hear a lot of bad things aboit Naples. There is a lot of conflicting information going around but no solid truths or facts that help one with a decision like moving to Italy. Also, i'm mot American so i'll be safe from that
Also. I have visited the North very often and never found it to be a problem...? Why is the North so bad?
Real Italy for me has always been the south - La vera Italia! The northerners have always looked down in scorn at the south and considered themselves superior, sadly they are deluded, the south of Italy is just the best place to live in the entire peninsular, the northerners know it too!
Are you living in Italy? If so, as a fellow Brit, what is your opinion of living in Italy?
I am hearing so many mixed messages but no real evidence as to why people say no to moving to Italy. I never knew it was as bad as people are saying.
I just want to know what i'm getting myself into, before I get into anything really.
hippysunshine wrote:I hear a lot of bad things aboit Naples. There is a lot of conflicting information going around but no solid truths or facts that help one with a decision like moving to Italy. Also, i'm mot American so i'll be safe from that
Naples is a wonderful place...one of the best..as is Palermo. Don't listen to the false innuendos about Naples.. I lived near there for 4 years. It is one of the most charming, cultured cities in Europe. The people in the North love to disparage Naples..it is the age old hatred by the North (Polentoni)
against the South. My advice would be to visit Naples, , Campania, Puglia and Sicily...and stay clear of North Italy. The people in the South are the friendliest, most welcoming people you'll meet. The Polentoni , especially in Piemonte, are cold, unfriendly, selfish, arrogant zombies. The North is infested with refugees..who are mostly criminals and street beggars...and the authorities close their eyes to the problem. I've seen it all ..first-hand. As a British subject you'll have all of the privileges and benefits,,,which are denied to Canadians, Americans, Australians, etc.
Tony164 wrote:Real Italy for me has always been the south - La vera Italia! The northerners have always looked down in scorn at the south and considered themselves superior, sadly they are deluded, the south of Italy is just the best place to live in the entire peninsular, the northerners know it too!
Absolutely right. The North (the Polentoni) is not worthy of calling itself a part of Italy. The North massacred the Southern people...read the history of that disgrace they call "unification".
See now what you are saying about Naples is not what previous people have said about Naples. Hmmm. In fact I have been told the very opposite. And Ross Kemp sure as hell didn't male it look attractive ha.
Also, I have visited the North and never found them to be what you describe and loved the times I have spent there.
In general. Forget the North / South divide. Is Italy a good and safe place to live in? Work, crime, living situations, the lot. I'm not after which area is better than which at this current time, Im after info on what it is really like to live in Italy.
In general that part is nice...friendly people, good scenery...lower cost-of-living than in North, less bureaucracy etc.
hippysunshine wrote:See now what you are saying about Naples is not what previous people have said about Naples. Hmmm. In fact I have been told the very opposite. And Ross Kemp sure as hell didn't male it look attractive ha.
Also, I have visited the North and never found them to be what you describe and loved the times I have spent there.
In general. Forget the North / South divide. Is Italy a good and safe place to live in? Work, crime, living situations, the lot. I'm not after which area is better than which at this current time, Im after info on what it is really like to live in Italy.
In addition to my previous post, which seems to have disappeared...but I hope that you saw it..( the post in which I described the crime situation, etc.)...I wanted to add something, As to the cost of everyday living...for example...a visit to the ophthamologist in the South.. Naples...Palermo etc....a general check-up costs ....about 20-40 euros..depending on which ophthamologist. In the North..Torino area..the same check-up costs 110 to 130. A dentist in the South...costs a fraction of what you'll pay in the North. Same situation exists with a visit to an internist.
hippysunshine wrote:Also. I have visited the North very often and never found it to be a problem...? Why is the North so bad?
Visiting as a tourist for a few days is one thing....daily living is quite different. You really cannot compare the 2 experiences.
hippysunshine wrote:See now what you are saying about Naples is not what previous people have said about Naples. Hmmm. In fact I have been told the very opposite. And Ross Kemp sure as hell didn't male it look attractive ha.
Also, I have visited the North and never found them to be what you describe and loved the times I have spent there.
In general. Forget the North / South divide. Is Italy a good and safe place to live in? Work, crime, living situations, the lot. I'm not after which area is better than which at this current time, Im after info on what it is really like to live in Italy.
Did you happen to see my response from this morning..in which I described in the detail the crime situation, the living conditions, cost-of-living...etc? I cannot find my post.
NonI didn't see that post
Ok..I'll try to remember what I wrote. The answers to your questions really depend upon where in the country..therefore...you cannot say.."forget the North/South divide". First, crime in the North is rampant...especially in Piemonte, Lombardia etc. Every day in the North...the towns are filled with African beggars asking for money..and the authorities close their eyes. In the North, the refugees from countries whose names we cannot even pronounce...bring crime, rape etc...etc... The Romanians, Albanians..whatever they are..etc..place notices on the apartment buildings notifying their cohorts about which apartment is the "easiest " to rob..i.e. is there an elderly person inside..is there a dog on the premises...etc.... The authorities do absolutely nothing. This situation does not exist in the South...and would not be tolerated in Sicily. Second, in the North, the cost of living...food, clothing..daily household essentials...etc...are double..triple even quadruple the costs in the South. The prices of meat, fish, vegetables...etc. in the North are double or triple the cost of those same things in the South. Bureaucracy in the North is suffocating...not so in the South. You being a British subject you won't face the oppressive, strangulating bureaucracy to the extent suffered by Canadians, Americans, Australians, etc...at least you won't until Brexit takes effect. You'll be able to take advantage of the "socialized everything"..free-of-charge.
If it's not tollerated down South, why is nobody doing anything about the North? That's so sad
What is the general crime like down South? In particular crimes against women.
I will be moving over with my partner but he works abroad a lot so I will be there on my own (hopefully with new friends) about 4 months of the year, so I need to make sure I move somewhere I feel safe.
Brexit is not good for me and my hopes of moving to Italy, but as long as it's still doable I will get there. I'm not planning to move for about 5 years so currently just trying to get a feel for the country a bit more. Find out about real Italy instead of the holiday side.
I know I have a lot of research to do but have heaps of time to do it in so these conversations really help to get some inside knowledge.
hippysunshine wrote:If it's not tollerated down South, why is nobody doing anything about the North? That's so sad
What is the general crime like down South? In particular crimes against women.
I will be moving over with my partner but he works abroad a lot so I will be there on my own (hopefully with new friends) about 4 months of the year, so I need to make sure I move somewhere I feel safe.
Brexit is not good for me and my hopes of moving to Italy, but as long as it's still doable I will get there. I'm not planning to move for about 5 years so currently just trying to get a feel for the country a bit more. Find out about real Italy instead of the holiday side.
I know I have a lot of research to do but have heaps of time to do it in so these conversations really help to get some inside knowledge.
These are subjects which are better to be discussed in private. If there is some way to have a private conversation on here, let me know. I'll be happy to help you as best I can.
ginalouisa wrote:I was wondering about the central area? Like Abruzzo. Any info on that?
The downside is that there is not much work in that area. It's an agricultural zone..and sadly...even the kids of the farmers want to get away because they're not interested in continuing life on farms. Some of them turn the farms into what's called "Agriturismo"...tourist places. This is true of a lot of the South and it's really unfortunate. History is repeating itself. A hundred or more years ago , the Southern Italians left and emigrated to the Northeastern U.S....to find work. Today the same thing is occurring, although now they're looking for work in Germany, the U.K. etc.
I added you as a contact if here is good for you?
hippysunshine wrote:I added you as a contact if here is good for you?
Hi, yes..got it.. I accepted.
Everybody, let's please focus on the topic "What to expect when moving to Italy" and try to share factual and useful information with each other. While sharing experiences is good and can be helpful, let's try to avoid throwing around subjective disparaging comments regarding other nationalities, regions and persons, which can be offensive to others following along.
Expat.com Experts Team
romaniac wrote:Everybody, let's please focus on the topic "What to expect when moving to Italy" and try to share factual and useful information with each other. While sharing experiences is good and can be helpful, let's try to avoid throwing around subjective disparaging comments regarding other nationalities, regions and persons, which can be offensive to others following along.
Expat.com Experts Team
You are correct, of course. Unfortunately, in many aspects of life, travel etc., the facts and reality and the truth are not always the sugar-coated fantasies that we wish them to be. It's sad if the truth "offends" people...but it is what it is. I sincerely wish that someone had told me the factual info about Italy before I ever came...in which case I never would have set foot in the country except for Naples and Sicily..which are the only "true" Italian places.
I don't think that that the north or central Italy is quite as bad as Horseman makes it out to be, we all have our own personal and often subjective views of living in or even holidaying in Italy. I have met some very fine Italians from all over the country but having lived in Bergamo for a year and in Lecce for a lot longer, I would choose southern Italy every time.
To answer the question "what to expect when moving to Italy" would take several long paragraphs, suffice to say that anybody wishing to live in any part of Italy needs plenty of tolerance, patience, strength of character and an open mind. The country was, is and always will be chaotic, bureaucratic and messy, but always adorable, irresistible and beautiful!
Hi Priscilla
We moved to Italy in 2008, from The Netherlands that is form a well-organised country to ... chaos. Well, not always but often it is like that. To have a good laugh read about our hilarious and horrendous experiences in my book Living in Italy: the Real Deal
Some answers:
Is there anything you wish you had known before moving to Italy? For example, transportation, internet speeds, types of housing, aspects of the culture or social life.
Within major cities (in the North) public transport is okay, as well as long distance high speed train connections. But elsewhere service is scarse and unreliable. Better buy a car!
Internet services are a jungle, ask around in the area where you are planning to move to which is the best option. We struggled with Telecom Italia for years (speed << 1 mB/s) then moved to a wireless option which functioned well for 1.5 years and then went down the drain in 6 months. But since 2 years we have Eolo, wireless, and very reliable (fingers crossed).
In your opinion, what's the most important thing to know about Italy?
Forget about agreements, appointments, promises that are redeemed. Get used to "I will call you, send you this, provide with that..." never to hear of it again. Italians change their mind about plans and projects every day.
When would you recommend someone should begin planning their move to Italy?
Learn the language. Learn the language. Learn the language. Read books about people who did move.
What were the most helpful ways you found to get organised? For example, did you use a checklist, were there any particularly useful websites or apps?
I read a book about buying a house in Italy and surfed the internet to learn about the most horrific experiences. Useful websites there are plenty I think, just Google and read as much as you can. Take notes! Books there are a few too. Mine e.g. ;-)
What advice would you give to future expats preparing to move to Italy?
See above. Prepare well ahead (at least a year). Go on vacation to several areas. Try a language course in Italy.
Good luck, Buona fortuna
Stef Smulders
Author of Living in Italy: the Real Deal
Villa I Due Padroni B&B
I have just moved in Italy a month ago with my partner. Anyone living in Bolzano South Tyrol? Trying to look for new friends here. People here are much colder from what I heard.
aenrix wrote:I have just moved in Italy a month ago with my partner. Anyone living in Bolzano South Tyrol? Trying to look for new friends here. People here are much colder from what I heard.
You are right...it's nearly impossible to make friends in the North...not only in Bolzano..but also Piemonte and many other places. People are closed, unfriendly and cold. The South (Naples, Puglia, Sicily ..) are far superior and one can make friends and acquaintances quickly and easily. The differences in people between the North and the South are shocking. It's a huge mistake to live in the North. I'm speaking from personal experience as well as the experiences of others.
You have to check, where the person is from, south/north, as they both are often very subjective and pushing their own peace of Italy. The true fact remain that people in Northern Italy are not as friendly, but if you are from western Europe, you'll feel more at at probly, talking about servicies and so.
Just curious, are you still in Italy, and if yes, is it mostly because you invest too much effort to srt everything start a small business and overall the live is ok, eventhough somtimes you start thinking about one more try elswhere?
Cheers, Jan
I see this discussion started in 2017 and still going on, are there any changes in general in Italy towards good ?
Friends, asking same question, but perspective is different, please try to answer.
I experienced life in Cyprus and Florida, USA, two different worlds and mixed experiences. I am a IT Consulting professional, planning to come and live in Italy. Hope you all must be knowing some things about India. Lot of people, congested, bad infra, redtape in many places..and crime too. in a sense for a educated and working professional no delighted feeling in life, in a way everyone is in Rat race. There are many positive points too.
I am planning to come and live in Italy because of my profession, medical education for my child and comparatively to have better and healthy life.
What are the chances ? Hope crime is not that high ... as a tourist I traveled in Swiss, Luxembourg, Belgium and NL and found very nice places. How is Italy for my perspective ?
Please help with information.
avasaralarao wrote:I see this discussion started in 2017 and still going on, are there any changes in general in Italy towards good ?
Friends, asking same question, but perspective is different, please try to answer.
I experienced life in Cyprus and Florida, USA, two different worlds and mixed experiences. I am a IT Consulting professional, planning to come and live in Italy. Hope you all must be knowing some things about India. Lot of people, congested, bad infra, redtape in many places..and crime too. in a sense for a educated and working professional no delighted feeling in life, in a way everyone is in Rat race. There are many positive points too.
I am planning to come and live in Italy because of my profession, medical education for my child and comparatively to have better and healthy life.
What are the chances ? Hope crime is not that high ... as a tourist I traveled in Swiss, Luxembourg, Belgium and NL and found very nice places. How is Italy for my perspective ?
Please help with information.
I saw your question about Italy. To summarize...my answer would be FORGET IT. It is NOT "La Dolce Vita " that the rest of the world believes so innocently. At least forget the North. The best places in the country are Naples, Sicily and Puglia. Forget anything north of Naples. ..especially forget Piemonte..it is a disgrace.
Thanks man.., you shared good piece of information.
What I say is.... "What a person is expecting from this Foreign land (Italy)"
If ... If.. I decided to move... it will only be by next year.. I will have to live where you have IT Jobs OR near to one of the 8 Medical Schools where medium of instruction is English. Like Milan, Bologna or Rome or Pisa or Pavia etc.,
Just trying to collect truths and facts. Thanks to everyone who is contributing valuable suggestions and sharing information.
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