
moving to morocco to escape the miserable life in england...!


Hi all,

I am currently planning a permenant move to Morocco in June and have been doing lots and lots of research to give me an idea of what i should expect work wise and living etc.

My parents are from Morocco so i speak arabic and have worked for a few english companies that had business in Casablanca and loved it and now im ready to do it again - but this time i really will be going alone so i would need to find accommodation, a job! its all quite scary especially not having any friends who speak English,

anyway my purpose for coming on here is that i am after any kind of advice, tips on how to find a decent house share with english ppl or apartments - do you know what i should be expecting to pay?
does anyone know of any english speaking companies or have any contacts?

I would really appreciate any advice.

Kindest regards

Nadia :)

See also

Living in Fes: the expat guideBritish folks in FesExpat Meetingssalaam to all morrocanJapanese language studying partners in fes

Hey Nadia,

Am in same situation as you looking for english companies in morocco and worried about my move but all will be ok.
I did some research about rent its not that big deal but depends on which city but mainly it will be casablanca Rent in nice area for a studio should be around 400 pounds dor nice studio as well u can get up 150 to 200 pounds.
Morocco now have lot of expats from all over the world so that shldnt be a problem and as u see in this forum u can get lot of contacts.
Good luck

I Will be in May so i will let you know exactly about the prices.
Regarding e


Nassim, Nadia,

when it comes to finding an english speaking job, it is not as easy as one would think. It all depends on ur work experience and most important schools you attended and degree you got, moroccans looove to see a Diploma from a well known international university.
If you don't speak french it's even worst. nowadays, many moroccans hold masters degrees and the like and can speak both english and french. on a positive note, teaching english as a native speaker that you can easily get, but even then I would recommend a certification such as CELTA to get a well paying teaching position. I normaly look at the positive side of things, but again I live in morocco and grew up in the US, so I just wanted you to get an idea of what to expect, however there's a flip side to this coin: you'll get plenty of sun, cheap rent, free satelite programming(tv), latest DVDs for $1, cheap beer....ect


hey nadia, salam alaikum

im sara im in marrakech now also from the uk, london...well i came here last july for the 1st time and fell inlove with the place...i came back in december for 2 weeks with my daughter and was still mad about the place so i just decided thats it, ive had enough of england, so i just packed my bags and i came back in february and im here until may.....i have a boyfriend here but he lives in Rabat, not sure what city il end up in all depends on him really, but i just know i love it here...i have a sweet little room on terrace in a family home...i paid 1200dh for 1 month, but i could have got a bigger place for that if i looked around not to close to the medina so things like food ect are cheap, i find the nearer you are to all the hotels its more expensive, same as london really....well i dont have any english speaking friends here, and id love to make some, even if we are not in the same city, its nice to have a chat about our coming back in july inchalah for another 3 months, so would be good to have some ppl to talk to when i return and maybe meet up for cafe one day..well i'm here if you want a chat...take care hun and good luck x


Hi nadia,where in morocco do you want to live.i live in fes.i am from uk and have been here nowfor 2 years,if you would like to know anything here let me know and will see if i can help.


How long do you plan to stay. I

Nebraska Girl

Go to the Prefecture de Police Building and there is an office for foreign  affairs. It is on the Ground floor. Outside that office is a message Board with the instructions and requirements to gain residency. Of course it is by no means a complete list, but it has most things covered.

But, as you are married to a Moroccan, it is much easier to gain residency than if you were not.


Hi my name is Hassan & I visited Morocco in February it completely changed my life, I've always been miserable and depressed in the UK I'm honestly fed up with the life here. I'm only 22 and I'm studying Islam & Arabic at university but I want to skip this and move to Morocco within 2017, can you please share with me what you know on the process and if I would be able to move there being an English speaker.



Actually u can
And u won't find any kind of problems in here since u're an English speaker and I promis u'll love it here


Hey Sara I'm also from Marrakech
I'll be glad if we meet and have a coffee or something
Text me once u read this reply


Thank you so much for the message I am doing my best to make it there


Hi how were you able to find the home in which you lived for 1200 d? I have found a number of long term apartment rentals but way too pricey and I would much prefer to live with a family!


Hi I am looking to move to morocco with my family was looking for some advice


Hi everyone,

This thread is an old one. I would suggest you read the Living in Morocco guide so that to gather as much information possible, then, feel free to create your own threads on the Morocco forum if you have any question.

All the best,


Hi Nadia and Sara,
I feel like I am in exactly the same position as you both were in 2011...
I visited morocco for the first time in 2007 and fell in love with it, but was still at Uni. I have visited every year since then and made a promise that I would follow my dream.
Its hard to leave London with a good job and a nice home, but i'm just not happy. Even after 10 years I'm still just as passionate about coming over..

How are you both doing since arriving? Did you find somewhere nice to stay? Good work etc?
I'm quite a savvy woman, but would very much appreciate it if I could keep in contact and you may be able to share some of your experiences and tips with me...

I'm hoping to stay in the Tangier, Asilah region, but happy to move around to learn and experience what Morocco has to offer.

So I've decided 2018 I will give it a go, just trying to save up enough funds to get me started inchallah.

Thanks Gabby


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Hi Gabby,
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