
Suggestions for assisting victims of Irma

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Short of driving around neighborhoods looking for people struggling to get their lives back in order after Irma, what kind of help can one person offer to lend them?
I will be down the middle of October and will be there for a week primarily on the East coast.
Right now I am thinking of just contacting the Red Cross and asking them what help they might need (can't give blood) in addition to money.
What are the locals needing and how are the ExPat family here doing?

[Thanks FR- I have a friend on St. T I am waiting to hear from]

See also

Living in Puerto Rico: the expat guidegetting contractorsQueen bed set for freeLocal music venuesElectric Vehicle Excise Tax for Shipping from the US to PR

I suspect the main needs at the moment will be food and shelter.
Surprisingly, injuries seem to be minimal so blood might not be a priority.


The local marinas have set up collection centers for basic supplies and local boaters are are bringing it to the islands.It is the quickest, most direct way of getting what is needed.


Here is an article to read about helping. … ;smtyp=cur
It is crazy that there is not more news coverage.  The Virgin Islands were hit very hard. The residents could not evacuate. Being on islands makes it very difficult to access basic supplies.


Here is another organization.


I stick this thread on the top of the threads list


A friend here in Puerto Rico has set up a Go Fund Me page for donations. I totally trust her 200%.  Her name is Brandi Mensinger and we are involved with the local pet rescue group. So, please donate to
Hurricane Irma Relief.


Great. Thank you. Information sent. We'll see what comes in for opportunity to help on the ground.


Great thread! I also was wondering the same to try and offer some help by sending what's needed. It blows my mind that there is minimal coverage in the media for Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. Even when Irma first hit the Caribbean most of the coverage has been centered on Florida.🤔


US media, US coverage.


ReyP wrote:

US media, US coverage.

You put it into perspective seeing that the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico aren't a state.


frogrock wrote:

Here is another organization.

FrogRock, thanks so much for posting this link! What a huge blessing this will be for those in need. I want to share that in addition to them accepting donations through PayPal there are other ways to help make a difference.

They are looking for people who can help by volunteering; or volunteering your time and boat to transport goods; or if your in PR you can help coordinate needs of local people and deliveries; and lastly donate goods.


frogrock wrote:

A friend here in Puerto Rico has set up a Go Fund Me page for donations. I totally trust her 200%.  Her name is Brandi Mensinger and we are involved with the local pet rescue group. So, please donate to
Hurricane Irma Relief.

I just sent a donation! Thanks again for sharing these links for us to help make a difference!🇵🇷


Some more suggestions for helping.  They also need interpreters for French and Dutch.

In Isla Verde:

The hotel verdanza has provided shelter for boys and girls from st. Maarten, they need clothes. There's servicarro to deliver.

Tomorrow from 9 AM TO 5 pm in the lobby area of the hotel will receive the following articles:

- products of first need and hygiene.
- Disposable diapers
- water
- canned food
- children's clothes of any age.

There are 50 refugee rooms

. Al Hospital Hima Caguas están llegando pacientes de las Islas seriamente afectadas por el huracán Irma.
➡️Necesitan: Ropa, zapatos, frisas, articulos de primera necesidad, como desodorante, jabón, cepillo y pasta de dientes y todo lo que usted considere importante y de primera necesidad. Ellos no tienen a nadie aquí en PR, así que Por Favor vamos a ayudar con lo que podamos y así juntos darles una mano. Estan en el 6to piso recibiendo los artículos. Hay que ser agradecido y la mejor forma es dando a los que realmente lo necesitan!

Además también necesitan estudiantes bilingües de Trabajo Social para dar apoyo a los pacientes de las Islas Vírgenes que se están atendiendo en Puerto Rico por la situación del huracán.

▶️Dale copy/paste en tu muro Por favor!!!!◀️
O dale share a este mensaje... DIOS LES BENDIGA!

Regina ohio

I will help when I arrive on September 19th


Our daughters in the mainland have also set up a go fund me account to try to help us, with the power outages, food has gone bad, I can't find any fresh milk, At some places either it's expired or gone bad


Today and tomorrow the Condado Hilton is accepting donations - canned food, pajamas, towels, personal hygiene products is what they need most. Also help sorting donations.


Possible false news: I just read that there may be some pirates intercepting small boats carrying donations and goods. The source is not reliable, so likely false news.


Declared disaster areas: Canovanas, Culebra, Loiza and Vieques- so far.  May qualify for assistance. See link.


Any organization accepting clothing?


Psych2 wrote:

Any organization accepting clothing?

Came on here to ask this same exact question. We put together clothes (for babies, toddlers, men and women) that I am trying to find a place in Puerto Rico to accept them. There are many staying in Puerto Rico from other islands that I'm sure could use them. Any information provided is greatly appreciated!


For a situation like this, they really need some shelter and food in order for them to get start with. But when flooded are in talks, first thing first is helping them with their water damage clean up




Ezer12345 wrote:

For a situation like this, they really need some shelter and food in order for them to get start with. But when flooded are in talks, first thing first is helping them with their water damage clean up

People are being evacuated locally and from the surrounding islands to hotels and cruise ships in Puerto Rico for shelter. Many of these people are coming literally with just the clothes on their backs. Food and water donations are needed as well as clothing. I think they are prioritizing the need of helping the displaced victims first before water damage cleanup. Although I am sure they are working on that in addition to everything else, as well.


They gonna also need some medicines and those victims needed to be injected a tetanus shot from all waste from water damage in the house. Did they find a safe spot for them? How are they now?

Justpeachyy If you guys are interested in making donations via money or can send supplies. These pilots take it directly to the people affected on the islands. They were the first to help Anegada.


Justpeachyy wrote: If you guys are interested in making donations via money or can send supplies. These pilots take it directly to the people affected on the islands. They were the first to help Anegada.

I lived in Dallas–Fort Worth metroplex, can I also give some manpower or some kind of a gonna volunteer? I did not cease the opportunity to volunteer before for Harvey hurricane because I was away in the city.


Justpeachyy wrote: If you guys are interested in making donations via money or can send supplies. These pilots take it directly to the people affected on the islands. They were the first to help Anegada.

Thanks for sharing. I made a donation to them and also shared their page on my Instagram.


The moving request below is by a Puerto Rican who has started a donation fund in his name. You can find it on line. I contributed to this one rather then others because he started it by donating one million of his dollars.

His name follows.

"One reads the headlines and all they say is that Puerto Rico could be without electricity between four and six months.  Do you really understand the magnitude of what that means?  At this time, today Thursday, I am sitting at my desk and there are thousands of children in the dark.  They may not have a roof over their heads.  Their homes may be utterly destroyed.  Your refrigerators do not work.  They may not have food or drinking water for the rest of the week,

And where are they sleeping tonight?  What are you going to eat tomorrow?  What the hell is going to happen to those children?  That's what goes through my mind right now.  We have to do something to help these children and their families,  Puerto Ricans are my people.  But this is about much more.  Puerto Ricans are our American compatriots.  They are our compatriots and they need our help.  I have been texting my people in Puerto Rico for 24 hours and I have not received a response.  It's the worst feeling in the world. "

The whole island is dark.  Even when you can not hear them, you know that there are more than three million people crying out for help.  Just imagine your house without electricity for an hour.  For a day.  For a week.  Imagine the children you will have in your life - your son, your daughter, your nephew, your granddaughter - imagine them with scared and hungry for just one day.

Puerto Ricans face the possibility of being six months in that daily struggle.  I imagine my family in that situation and I can not stand it.  I can not.  I know there are many things going on in the United States and in the world right now that deserve our attention, but I need your help.  I need the help of anyone who reads this.  We need to help the people of Puerto Rico who have the supplies they need to survive day by day until the country gets up again".

Carlos Beltran
Major League Baseball (perennial All Star player).


Hi, Do you have a link for this fund?  I will donate.




I update forums like this since Harvey Hurricane and now here, I wonder how they are right now in Texas ?.. Can somebody determine the differences of those 2 places right now? i meant how is it now unlike before these typhoons.


I donated to Americares after seeing a doctor from their organization in PR talk on CNN. Best of luck to everyone in PR.


rard13 wrote:

I donated to Americares after seeing a doctor from their organization in PR talk on CNN. Best of luck to everyone in PR.

You are really kind-hearted enough to donate. I am also planning to help out some mold assessment in the area with the effects of those water floods.


After trying to get airline schedules for my paid ticket sorted out, I finally decided to wait.
Had been hoping to be on la Isla next week, but with things as they are, there is no way to guarantee my return to the mainland for a prior commitment in time.
Right now, am thinking Spring time. Wish there were a way down for 10 days to be there now, even driving a truck or something helpful.
I wish everyone well, and give Thanks to the Creator that all is in order and on schedule.
P.S. There is no Plan B.

Articles to help you in your expat project in Puerto Rico

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