
Romania - Any help apprecitated!


Hello all! First of all big thanks to everyone here.

My flights are booked so I'm leaving for Romania beginning of March.
Currently trying to get a flat sorted. Thankfully I've got friends who are going to help me do that from here. I'm talking with someone about a possible flat. Its difficult of course because we are negotiating in Romanian and while I speak Romanian on the phone and about legal terms which I've never had to use before can be challenging! Anyway this flat was too expensive for me, but I said I'd be willing if it was cheaper. The response was
'Vrei contract prin ANF (fisc) sau fara?'
So it says 'do you want a contract with ANF , fisc or without.'
What is ANF? Will I need one? How is that related to the price?

See also

Real estate listingsAccommodation in RomaniaAccommodation in TimisoaraAccommodation in ConstantaAccommodation in Sibiu

Pisicuta wrote:

Hello all! First of all big thanks to everyone here.

My flights are booked so I'm leaving for Romania beginning of March.
Currently trying to get a flat sorted. Thankfully I've got friends who are going to help me do that from here. I'm talking with someone about a possible flat. Its difficult of course because we are negotiating in Romanian and while I speak Romanian on the phone and about legal terms which I've never had to use before can be challenging! Anyway this flat was too expensive for me, but I said I'd be willing if it was cheaper. The response was
'Vrei contract prin ANF (fisc) sau fara?'
So it says 'do you want a contract with ANF , fisc or without.'
What is ANF? Will I need one? How is that related to the price?

What they are referring to is ANAF , the tax authorities.  It's common for landlords to make rental contracts and not register them with ANAF so that they can offer a lower rent, since they are not paying income tax on the rent.  It is however, completely illegal on the part of the owner and IGI (immigration authorities) won't accept such a contract in order to issue a residence permit.  In their offices, it specifically states that rental contracts must be registered with ANAF.

Romaniac Experts Team


Not to mention the fact that if they found a tenant willing to pay more, they could kick you out without notice. Definitely get one with a contract and make sure it gets registered.

Are you moving to Bucharest? If so, let us know the location and size of the flat and we can probably give you a good idea if they price they're suggesting is reasonable or not.


Fantastic thanks! I'm actually going to be staying outside Bucharest in a place called Buftea.


Maykal wrote:

Not to mention the fact that if they found a tenant willing to pay more, they could kick you out without notice. Definitely get one with a contract and make sure it gets registered.

Legally, they cannot do that.  Even a contract that is not registered @ANAF is still a binding legal contract.  Though, the owner will face tax evasion charges the moment they try to enforce anything :) To evict, they would need to obtain a court order and have the police enforce it according to the civil code.  Granted, a lot of owners don't know this and behave in their lawless ways and the receiving end concedes their protective rights.