
Operating Bank Account on a Visit Visa


Hi All
What are the terms of using a bank account in Oman if your resident visa has been cancelled? The bank terms and conditions state that the account will be automatically closed if it is lying dormant for 6 months. I'm still actively using my account as I travel to Oman frequently, and I transfer money to it from outside of Oman. I was just wondering is it safe to hold funds in Oman Bank as my resident visa has been cancelled and I'm on a visit visa. I don't have any pending liability and have got only a savings account.

See also

Banking in Omanunpaid personal loan in oman and filed caseBank accountTax on bringing money inBank loans in Oman

Hi hrn1988,

An expatriate can operate a local bank account only as long as the person is a legally registered resident of Oman. Once the employment visa is cancelled and the resident card is surrendered, the expatriate is no longer a registered and legal resident of the Sultanate. So cannot operate any bank transactions in person.

As you are probably aware, for conducting any transaction within the bank premises the resident card becomes the valid identification document of the user. Without one, no transaction is possible. Even for withdrawal, the resident card would be required.


Hi Sumitran
So as you suggest it's better to take out the fund held in this account and keep a minimal amount in this so as to avoid any issues later. Better safe than sorry.
My international debit card, phone banking, net banking everything seems to be working fine till date as I was having some funds in this account. Whenever I have to go to the bank for some requests then my resident ship might become an issue, I believe. Thanks for the reply though.


I'd strongly suggest you not to do any transactions , suppose a wrong transaction was done , you lost money , you'd need to visit the branch right ?

And then what would they say if you're not a legal resident , which would mean you're violating the policies of the bank .

Close the account .


Yes gunner757(Nice screen name buddy  :D )
I had a similar situation yesterday itself, the atm was not letting me take money out as a lump sum, and I thought i got into trouble. I had to do multiple transactions to take out the fund. I would be withdrawing all money from the account and would be keeping only a very minimal amount there.
So let's reach a conclusion that it's not advisable to hold an account when you are on a visit visa.