I want to start an Indian restaurants in Indonesia

If I want to start Indian restaurants in Indonesia,
what do I have to do for legal permission?
what is the cost of investment?

Ten billion Rupiah to invest and a bunch of paperwok gets you a PT PMA and a KITAS.

Some pretty good Indian restaurants/ takeaways in batam probably 5 in all either one will take some beating (all owned by the Indian family/ same person) you'll also need a bucket load of money to complete or get the business rolling how and how much I have no idea (I've read it's not cheap or easy) good luck


Your idea is good and Indian Tourism market is bombing to Indonesia since last 2 yrs and the market is keep strong and strong now.

BTW , I do have few question and suggestion and advised for you and hope this help.

1.) Which part of indonesia you plan to open your Indian Foods Restaurant? Jakarta , Bali ? I think Bali is your best option since Bali is top Tourism destination in Indonesia.

2.) For foreign set up any business in Indonesia must open the company. That's 2 option: PT (Nominee a local Indonesian to register under business but can have a side agreement to protect each other)   OR PMA  (Own by foreign or sharing with local Indonesian)

3.) Rent any shop or office in Indonesia the renter should be part of your investment not your monthly expenses. Cause the renter to be settle full when you sign the renter contract. Example: rent a shop for 1 yr contract the renter to be pay full 1 year when sign the contract.

4.) Labour cost here is cheap. IDR2.5Million/USD200 is minimum legally salary to be pay and of course diffrent level different salary type.

5.) Since you plan for Indian Foods Restaurant. The key chef i suggestion you hore over form India. Cause here may hard to found the good chef for Indian Foods. Foreign Working VISA is easy to apply.

Anyway do have more and more info i can be provided. If you any help please contact me as below.

Cheers , Good luck


Moderated by Bhavna 6 years ago
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thanks for your responce
what is the cost of  company registration in indonesia
and cost of rental shop  for restaurant .

To set up the PMA  (Own by foreign or sharing with local Indonesian) the cost approx USD8500 - USD13000  and take up to 3mths-6mths.

Renter shop if rent at the good tourism place in Bali aprrox USD1500-USD2000 per month. Anyway please remember in Indonesia to rent any property to be pay up whole period of rent when sign the contract. Like example: You need rent the shop for 1 year then sign the renter contract to be pay off whole year renter.

Anyway Bro... If you have watssapp or wechat that will be more easy for us.

My watssapp " ***

Cheers !!

Moderated by Bhavna 6 years ago
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Let me repeat the note issued by Bhavna  yesterday.

Adverts and contact details are not allowed on the open forums.

Perhaps the lady's use of small text wasn't easy to see so I've made it a little larger for you.

Hi I am an Indian and I research on Indian restaurant in last 2 years have some information so if you need anything help then ask me on my WhatsApp number ***

Moderated by Priscilla 6 years ago
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thanks Jitendraji for showing interest in my subject . plz text me your whtap no. on - ***

Moderated by Chris 6 years ago
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Perhaps I can request posters refrain from posting contact details on the open forums, please.