[Just for Fun] What do hate the most about Riyadh
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Okie.. I have nothing better to do right now, so just starting a baseless discussion to kill some time.. and too see how many ppl are actually up at this hour..
So lets have it .. what do you hate the most about Riyadh ..
please keep it to Riyadh only, and not the people of riyadh .. or the members of this blog

The illiterate of the future will not be the person who cannot read. It will be the person who does not know how to learn.
[Alvin Toffler]
I hate to see people choosing to come and live and work in Riyadh and then spitting venom about life in the Kingdom
if you hate riyadh or have a list of things to hate about this place why did you choose to come here in the first place? were u born here? or are u dumb?
I think this discussion will create some clashes though it is just for fun. Shall I close it then?
I also think if one hates anything in Riyadh, one will never be happy anywhere else. Living here is a choice, not a sentence! - however, allow me to say I hate seeing all the thousands of cats everywhere - I think it is out of control!!
I think this thread will just create tensions, it is such a sensitive matter, even though we would think it's just amusing, others will be reacting negatively. Remember the Security thread....
All expats here now already know what kind of life we have, so I think there is no need to elaborate anymore. Just my 2cents.
Hey dynamo, please put some clothes on if you are going to address this forum....there are ladies present
Dubliner1967 wrote:Hey dynamo, please put some clothes on if you are going to address this forum....there are ladies present
lol its the only place where he can put off his clothes so let him enjoy plzz
Hey Kamii, i think topic should be about "likes n dislike" ...you know ppl are very touchy when it comes to hate factor :p
xain wrote:Dubliner1967 wrote:Hey dynamo, please put some clothes on if you are going to address this forum....there are ladies present
lol its the only place where he can put off his clothes so let him enjoy plzz
Exactly, you read my mind Xain....lol. Well that's one thing I can contribute to this thread.....I can't go out with my shirt off and that no one will care...
Dubliner, if the ladies would be reacting...then let them....lol, let them go out of their shell , the more the merrier..lol
I hate the fact that people are so sensitive and afraid to express themselves. No matter where we go to live we are always going to find things we don't like. Being so politically correct is what has the world going backwards instead of forward.
I've lived all over the world and can mention things I don't like about any of them I just choose to take the good with the bad. Just as an example I lived many years in the Caribbean where rich movie stars go to party and vacation however I saw the bad side of island living too and I wouldn't want to live there anymore.
As long as we don't talk negatively about Religion I don't see the harm in venting a little and expressing what we don't like.
Want an example of what I don't like here in Riyadh? The limited food choices and the fact that I can't get some of the fresh fruits I like. Is this so bad that I want to leave, well no.
You have to balance the good with the bad and make the best of it or just look elsewhere. Just so some won't think I'm negative about Riyadh I'll tell you what I like. I like the fact that I'm getting paid 3 times as much as I would get for the same job back home. Some might think it's still not enough to put up with living here but for now for me it is. As soon as it doesn't make sense to put up with the negatives then I'll just resign and go home like the other 15 pilots have done in the last few months before me and still others will do after me.
Nobody has you kidnapped, you're here for a reason.
PS: I forgot to add I don't like that I can't find a tennis court close to where I'm staying.
I agree with Texas Pilot .I hate the fact that everybody is almost possessed to ask you your ORIGINAL nationality!!??? Initially I thought it was only the Saudis who were inclined to ask "ASAL" but then i started noticing people of other ethnicities asking me the same damn question! Like its not good enough for you to hear me tell you where I am from, you have to find out where my parents are from and their parents and so on and so forth!!??
Guys .. for all getting touchy and sensitive about the topic.. read the topic again .. its a just for fun discussion .. if it offends you so much .. then there is small X button on the top of the window. I suggest you use that and move on.
Rest of the guys .. thanks you for your participation .. and pls carry on
Oh yeah we dont have to be touch about the topic ,i m from Karachi but i do hate few things about my city so i may dislike or hate anything generally in Riyadh as well.
I hate the fact,for women its more strict comparatively to Jeddah and Khuober
Hello kamiii,
Can you please change the title from Hate to Dislike please! It will mean more or less the same thing!
Hi Yud and thank you for your work on this forum.
I am only a new member of this forum and don't make any rules but I would like to ask why change from hate to dislike? Who are we trying to please? That's exactly what I meant by trying to be politically correct on everything.
Life is simple when we call black black and blue blue. Hate is not a bad word when verified in the dictionary. It's our own prejudices what make it sound worse than it is.
I have always said that I hate to eat vegetables. If that were something bad my mother and father would have punished me a long time ago.
Let's try to relax a little and not be so uptight about the simple things in life.
Hello TexasPilot,
I admire your critics and your point of view and I also agree that the term "hate" is neither impolite or a "bad word". However, due to some private messages I am receiving in regards to this thread, that's why I proposed this "suggestion".
To be sincere with you, I want to close this thread at the first instance and then after further discussion with my colleagues, we decided to let it as it is, and see how the thread goes.
I also use the word hate in many contexts and I agree with you up to 10000% it is not a wrong word. It is only the way it is interpreted can cause some "harm" or emotional reactions.
I thank you and your colleagues for not bowing to the pressure and for not closing the thread. That would be putting some people's interest over the majority and that in essence would be unnecessary censorship. We see what's happening in other countries that are tired of not having freedom and being censured.
Being an adult is having self discipline and self discipline is when you do something that you know is right even though you don't necessarily want to do it. As an adult we have to maintain control over our desires & emotions.
We all have to learn to live and accept other people's views. I live here in Saudi for 6 weeks at a time so I accept the local customs and respect them even if I don't agree with some of them. When I'm back home for 6 weeks off I live by my country's customs.
Thanks again and have a great day!
I guess only talking about hates, but not LIKEs only can impose some sort of negativism to the discussion and into people's mind. Once hate is a like for others and vice versa.
If we would need to talk, we need to talk about both likes and hates. At the end of the day, any discussion need to have an objective, whether it is fun or serious.
Its out of my scope of my imagination, what is the objective we r making out of thinking about HATES of this place?
uvnpsaradhi wrote:I guess only talking about hates, but not LIKEs only can impose some sort of negativism to the discussion and into people's mind. Once hate is a like for others and vice versa.
If we would need to talk, we need to talk about both likes and hates. At the end of the day, any discussion need to have an objective, whether it is fun or serious.
Its out of my scope of my imagination, what is the objective we r making out of thinking about HATES of this place?
I think the author of this thread was clear on the objective. In fact he had 2 objectives. He said " I have nothing better to do right now, so just starting a baseless discussion to kill some time.. and too see how many ppl are actually up at this hour.. "
I don't think he works for an Embassy or the United Nations so it's not like he's asking for anything else but entertainment.
Regarding what he should have done or not I guess that's only the choice of the author and our choice as members is to participate or just click on the next thread which we might like more.
I would suggest that if you feel so strongly about your view that you create a new thread asking what anyone loves about Riyadh and I'll be the first to post there too.
Jeez, it's just a question, lighten up guys. There are always things we will love or hate in a new country, or even in our own country for that matter! Just because we're in Saudi doesn't mean we have to love everything about it.
One thing I hate is that women can't drive. And that choices for ready-made baby food is sooo limited (yeah, I hate cooking too, hehehe)
OK, have fun, have seen so many such discussions in the same forum have taken a U-Turn and I hope this is not the same one.......
yabbbaaa dabba dooobiiieee
Yud .. topic cannot be changed.. not because I don't want to, but because you cannot edit the topic title after posting .. If you want to close the topic.. go ahead.. its your forum... its your call ..
I didn't start this topic to start of a riff or anything . As I said and only TexasPilot noted..this was a just for fun conversation .. and Thank you nonz for backing me up on this one .. We all hate something about the place we live, the place we work .. I don't get why this is being such a sensitive topic for some...
Kamii and Nonz on the same side?? WOW!!! thats something alright!!
RedGoblin wrote:Kamii and Nonz on the same side?? WOW!!! thats something alright!!
hehehhe that is just so weird...i am designed to go against him every times he throw a discussion
but seriously,i m literally lmao some of u messaged admins to close or change topic ????
Oh come on!!! We have plenty of topic with admiration of the GREAT KINGDOM
So take it easy yar and i really admire few of you for defending and taking the topic in right spirit
Anyways.....What i really hate about Riyadh is"No Beach",,Our Respectable King,cant ya drag sea to Riyadh its only 300 km away:(
nonz wrote:Anyways.....What i really hate about Riyadh is"No Beach",,Our Respectable King,cant ya drag sea to Riyadh its only 300 km away:(
lolllll .. good one ..
btw.. i've heard they were opening an indoor boating area in alqassr mall.. crazy huh .. ( http://www.alqasrmall.com/mall_directories.aspx ) check out the second floor
sorry.. the third floor*
TexasPilot wrote:uvnpsaradhi wrote:I guess only talking about hates, but not LIKEs only can impose some sort of negativism to the discussion and into people's mind. Once hate is a like for others and vice versa.
If we would need to talk, we need to talk about both likes and hates. At the end of the day, any discussion need to have an objective, whether it is fun or serious.
Its out of my scope of my imagination, what is the objective we r making out of thinking about HATES of this place?
I think the author of this thread was clear on the objective. In fact he had 2 objectives. He said " I have nothing better to do right now, so just starting a baseless discussion to kill some time.. and too see how many ppl are actually up at this hour.. "
I don't think he works for an Embassy or the United Nations so it's not like he's asking for anything else but entertainment.
Regarding what he should have done or not I guess that's only the choice of the author and our choice as members is to participate or just click on the next thread which we might like more.
I would suggest that if you feel so strongly about your view that you create a new thread asking what anyone loves about Riyadh and I'll be the first to post there too.
OH WOW, thanks for clearing it up, since the objective is to kill time and having nothing better to do, i think its ok. hmmm
Are you even listening to what your saying? or are you really that naive.
Hate by definition is: intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury, "merriam-webster".
Anybody still hates anything about Riyadh?
words them self are neither taboo nor permissible, but how we use them is, moreover if you dont know what they actually mean better review your vocabulary first.
we can keep arguing about what's right or wrong and the freedom of speech and choice of words, but that does not deny the fact that there are people who will be offended by this thread.
the operators did a bad job by allowing this thread to continue, this thread is in violation of terms and conditions of the site, shame on you it now has 30 replies and 381 views and you will not be able to undo this.
if you really want to know what i hate about riyadh every one here would be offended.... do you want me to continue?
Sorry if i offend anyone just speaking my mind.
Interesting that you're a new member and you have been posting on every thread that Mr Negativity was against. Coincidence? Maybe or maybe not. If so you have a soulmate out there.
Anyway if you would have kept reading the definition in the Merriam-Webster dictionary you would have also seen "extreme dislike or apathy" as a definition.
Well then I extremely dislike the sand storms in Riyadh, in other words I hate the sand storms in Riyadh. As a pilot I can categorically say I hate them and I'm sure that any person who was in an accident a few days ago when the sand was really blowing and we couldn't fly the rescue helicopters because we couldn't see would also hate the storms.
I also hate the way some people drive in Riyadh. I've seen too many car accidents due to irresponsible drivers causing people to get badly injured. Just 2 days ago I flew to Dammam highway and when we landed their were 5 dead people including a little boy due to an irresponsible driver who crashed into them while they were driving home.
Don't think that offended anyone and it was a correct use and perfect example of what I was saying previously about the word hate not being a bad word.
TexasPilot wrote:Interesting that you're a new member and you have been posting on every thread that Mr Negativity was against. Coincidence? Maybe or maybe not. If so you have a soulmate out there.
Anyway if you would have kept reading the definition in the Merriam-Webster dictionary you would have also seen "extreme dislike or apathy" as a definition.
Well then I extremely dislike the sand storms in Riyadh, in other words I hate the sand storms in Riyadh. As a pilot I can categorically say I hate them and I'm sure that any person who was in an accident a few days ago when the sand was really blowing and we couldn't fly the rescue helicopters because we couldn't see would also hate the storms.
I also hate the way some people drive in Riyadh. I've seen too many car accidents due to irresponsible drivers causing people to get badly injured. Just 2 days ago I flew to Dammam highway and when we landed their were 5 dead people including a little boy due to an irresponsible driver who crashed into them while they were driving home.
Don't think that offended anyone and it was a correct use and perfect example of what I was saying previously about the word hate not being a bad word.
If I have a soulmate out there I really hope its a she not a he ,and I would really appreciate her right now
And you can see on the main page i replied to most of the threads in the forum just now so dont weary your brains over it,
seems like we have a little conspiracy thinker amongst us, lol ..
and thank you very much for completely missing the point
I don't see where I missed the point. You came to the thread directing your anger toward me without even knowing me. You said I might be naive or that I didn't know the meaning of the word hate but it was you who decided to use the most negative and inflammatory definition while conveniently leaving out the more useful definition which was what we were using here. Yes I know the meaning of the word and used it in 2 examples and showed it was not a wrong way of using it. I gave you an example of what I hate but you didn't mention it in your reply now.
Are you in favor of the things I mentioned I hate? The antonym of hate is love and affection. Do you love those irresponsible drivers that cause accidents that kill innocent people?
I can play word games with the best of them.
You also said "the operators did a bad job by allowing this thread to continue, this thread is in violation of terms and conditions of the site" but you didn't provide which term was violated.
Instead of replying to my statements you just "shot the messenger" instead of dealing with the statements. I can reply with respect without having to take aim at the person.
Now what was the point again that you say I missed?
TexasPilot wrote:I don't see where I missed the point. You came to the thread directing your anger toward me without even knowing me. You said I might be naive or that I didn't know the meaning of the word hate but it was you who decided to use the most negative and inflammatory definition while conveniently leaving out the more useful definition which was what we were using here. Yes I know the meaning of the word and used it in 2 examples and showed it was not a wrong way of using it. I gave you an example of what I hate but you didn't mention it in your reply now.
Are you in favor of the things I mentioned I hate? The antonym of hate is love and affection. Do you love those irresponsible drivers that cause accidents that kill innocent people?
I can play word games with the best of them.
You also said "the operators did a bad job by allowing this thread to continue, this thread is in violation of terms and conditions of the site" but you didn't provide which term was violated.
Instead of replying to my statements you just "shot the messenger" instead of dealing with the statements. I can reply with respect without having to take aim at the person.
Now what was the point again that you say I missed?
there are a lot of points and its not really something i can direct you in regards or anybody else for that matter, lets just say you have to understand them on your own.
as for the terms and condition issues i think the moderator can figure it out by himself as its there, you can review the terms page because i did.
My apologies to you as clearly your offended. No anger here on the contrary im in a very humorous mode at the moment
but you should have been more prudent before supporting such posts,
♥ ♫ ♣ ☀ wrote:there are a lot of points and its not really something i can direct you in regards or anybody else for that matter, lets just say you have to understand them on your own.
as for the terms and condition issues i think the moderator can figure it out by himself as its there, you can review the terms page because i did.
My apologies to you as clearly your offended. No anger here on the contrary im in a very humorous mode at the moment
but you should have been more prudent before supporting such posts,
Well that was as clear as mud to me. I'm not offended because you haven't said anything meaningful. It's all been allegations without substance. You said I missed the point but you can't specify what your point is. I also checked the terms and didn't find anything wrong that's why I asked you. You're the one who came here accusing and saying things were not right but you haven't provided facts or answered questions to back up your claims.
I'm very prudent about what I say and I stand by my statements and posts and have been very specific as to why I do. I've even given examples so there are no doubts on where I stand and why.
Anyway I have to go check the hourly weather report again now so if you don't have anything specific to back your allegations and won't answer any of the questions then this is a waste of time and I guess that's all for tonight folks.
TexasPilot wrote:♥ ♫ ♣ ☀ wrote:there are a lot of points and its not really something i can direct you in regards or anybody else for that matter, lets just say you have to understand them on your own.
as for the terms and condition issues i think the moderator can figure it out by himself as its there, you can review the terms page because i did.
My apologies to you as clearly your offended. No anger here on the contrary im in a very humorous mode at the moment
but you should have been more prudent before supporting such posts,
Well that was as clear as mud to me. I checked the terms and didn't find anything wrong that's why I asked you. You're the one who came here accusing and saying things were not right but you haven't provided facts or answered questions to back up your claims.
Anyway I have to go check the hourly weather report again now so if you don't have anything specific to back your allegations and won't answer any of the questions then this is a waste of time and I guess that's all for tonight folks.
It looks like its just a pi*sing contest for you.
i do advise you to carry on what ever it was you were about to do, you might put your time to better use. i tried to answer you as best as i can out of respect, but excuse me i cant waste any more time replying.
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