Size of Work visa and stamps

Hi all,
I'm moving to Bahrain February for a new job. My company will walk me through the process so that's all good but I'm worried about my passport. I only have one fully blank page left in my UK passport. Is this enough room to get my boots on the ground and start work? I can order a new passport once I'm in the country.

Any advice?


My suggestion,

Renew your passport before you come.
So you can travel hassle-free.

The residence sticker takes an entire page, and if you renew your passport then again you'll need to submit your new passport to get it stamped. Double work.

Thanks Gunner.

Ordering a new passport is the best idea for sure, but time is a concern. It can take up to 4 weeks to get a new passport, my organisation has advised that the visa process can take around a month, and I'm due to be in post mid-February.

If the work visa for Bahrain only takes up one page then I can order a new passport when in post.

Aside from the one-page sticker, are there any other stamps involved in the process?

It might be a problem btw.  I am not sure if the process has changed but what used to happen for work visas when you fly in (at the airport); your finger prints are taken, enrollment is done and medical check slip is issued.  At the same time, they stamp manual residence visa i.e. a stamp with handwriting on it on your passport and on either side; takes two pages.  The sticker is then put seperately later on.

But what you can do is come in, get those stamps (if they still do it), don't apply for the sticker - you can still get CPR and everything else.  When you get your new passport, get it stamped with the sticker.  If they don't stamp and just give the sticker; put it on new passport when you get it.  Will be double work though as gunner mentioned.

Thanks XTang for your detailed answer. I'll follow yours and Gunners advice and get a new passport as not having enough space on arrival would be problematic.