
Sick Leave Law - contract

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I applied a job to teach English in china. I got an offer letter. But I have question regarding it may be you guys can help me before i go back to them. 1) sick leave - on the contract said that unpaid sick day and deducted on the days I miss work. Can you let me know the regulation for this?
2) days off?- The contract didn't indicate how days off I get? 3) Salary - When they interviewed me,  asking expected salary. I mentioned an amount of 10000RMB. I was completely forgot that should have responded "negotiable". And didn't realized that 10000 RMB hasn't deducted the tax. Can I still negotiate it? I was thinking 10000 RBM after tax.

Fyi, i am new on teaching English.

Kindly respond as soon as possible. 😊 Thanks

See also

Job offers in ChinaThe labour market in ChinaFinding work in ChinaSetting up a business in ChinaBecome a digital nomad in China
Dillon Barkemeyer

What city? What company?
Though I am new to this site, I've been teaching English in China for a while and know that you are getting under paid. Unless of course, you dont make lessons, it's part time, and the give you a place to live. hahaha. It's a tricky thing over here working for these education systems (some are more like compaines). Some of which are "fly by night" and only want to look as if they are legit to get investors; then they take the money and run. Suzhou, Shanghai; Qingdao even, these are places with heavy influence from "learning centers" and many smaller "chain esc." schools. If you'd like to make that same amount (after tax), monday through friday (sometimes saturdays), and teach online for the most part, with a place to live in Suzhou. There is a cool company that I have had many friends work for then later travel and still keep their job after a year to six months of liviing in Suzhou when they start. This company I rememeber trying to get my friends to work with me, but that company is loyal and honest for the most part, so my friends really liked it. I remember the pay was like 12 before tax, so just over 11 after.

Personally, I wouldnt work for 10,000. Minimun of 13,000 with weekends off, minimal lesson planning, and a place to live. Thats only because, I have experience doing this though, and the exchange rate for the USA is slowly dropping hahaha.

PM me if you want more details.

GOOD LUCK Melissae25 !!!


Well... all  can say is "Welcome to China". 

You can pretty much forget about negotiations for contracts and taking legal action if things go wrong.  The Chinese courts will treat non-Chinese poorly, even f they are in the right.

Your contract is the contract that they offered you.  That is it.

Take it or leave it.

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