Karta Pobytu

Different experiences...I find people here far too conventionnal  in business, even a bit stubborn sometimes. Still, they are reliable and know their job. Regarding administration, my wife does it all as my Polish is limited, but I think it is not worse than in France: My wife got her French citizenship but they did not bother to inform her. We regularly phoned and sent mails. After months and months, they told her she had been "une française" for already one year at least...

If you need any help on the legalization-related topics, you can apply for help hear https://irespect.com.pl/kontakt

Right. I can witness their reliability too. They are well read and supportive. Today, I have just applied for TRC, Temporary Residence Card. I found them being so helpful. I am optimistic that things work out well in Poland govt offices, if one states his/her needs clearly.

Cheers :)