
Social security check


Hello. I found this community while researching options for my father in law.  He moved to DR from FL and as he has Parkinson's,  my husband and I are trying to help him and find the best options for him. Currently his SS check is being deposited to a US bank. He then uses his Debit card to withdraw funds in DR. He is being charged by his US bank over $15 and at the ATM.  Is this the best way? We were considering having him open a bank account in DR and have his SS check deposited there.  From what I read at the SS site this is possible, but wanted to get your input on what you guys have experienced works best and is most cost effective. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Citizenship in the Dominican RepublicTraveling to the Dominican RepublicRetiring in the Dominican RepublicGetting married in the Dominican RepublicDeath in the Dominican Republic
the tinker40

My s.s. is deposited in us account. I use a check cashing guy. He pays in pesos, at the full exchange rate, no discount. Cost? 3us dollars off the top. That is it. I used to have it deposited in a bank here, took it in dollars the had to take it to my bank or change it on the street. At the time, the U.S. would only deposit in Banco Popular. Their rate was terrible. It may no longer be the only bank that the U.S. approves of.  Rember that banks here with the same name as banks in the states, they are not the same. They are owned & operated & by law use DR banking laws. Owned by Dominicans. For me, I find that I save money & spend 10 to 15 minutes a month collecting my money. I have both dollar & peso accounts in my bank, ( Banco Santa Cruz) Hope this helps you.


Thank you for taking the time to reply. So if i understand you correctly you have your check deposited to a bank in the states and then write a check to get your funds in DR? Or do your receive your check in the DR and cash it there?
Thank you.


I have same sitution..... i have checks, but I only use my debt card. I can't imagine a Dominican check cashing a personal check from the US.inhave used my Debit card mostly in D R and cost per transaction is considerable. I don't feel comfortable carrying slot of cash there as one time my cash as well as a Debit  was removed my safe in the motel I was staying at.  I remain uncomfortable much cash on me. I guess the solution is to open a account in D R and depositing my S S check in that account. My understand that's it quite a process to open a account in D R. The other issue for me is that I don't plan to.   Full time resident in D R. There for I would have to keep changing my Direct Deposit every time I came and went.

the tinker40

I take my cash to my bank, keep what I need. You have to be referred  by someone who has been a client for awhile. You showyour passport, not a copy, each time, write your phone # also each time on the check.  There are many such places across the island.  They are licensed & very secure. Friends have been doing it for years.  Some patience to open an account here, but can be done in 1/2 hour. Good luck. You should keep the U.S. account for your S.S. $.


While this is one idea it is not for those who do not know their way around here!  It is full of potential issues. 

Look into what banks SS will do direct deposit in US dollars. Then open an account for your father. You can also open an additional pesos account  if wanted.

Your father can then withdraw his US dollars as needed and exchange where he chooses OR transfer to his pesos account (at banks exchange rate) for convenience. Then he can use an atm card as he wants.

It's a trade off of exchange rate for convenience based on his needs.


Chase bank 45.00 no matter the amount , just keep under 10,000.00
( Patriate Act ) . Just an alternative.