Pay scale in jeddah

Hi everyone
I am  Makarand Baxi  from Mumbai, India. Recently i gave an interview for photographers position in  jeddah, saudi arabia. They are offering me 10,000 SAR/ month. What u all think about this package whether this amount is good enough to move from 1 country to another?


10000 sar is 1.6 lakh INR

Its a good start . Nd a good payscale to take a shift to another city . Plus in jeddah there r enough chances that you can do lot of savings nd if this opportunity is providing ypu wit accomodation then its a very good deal .

Best of luck

To be fair, you should compare to what you're getting now in your home country vs whether it's worth while to move or not.

Depending on your skills, you can do a lot of part time work here and I know photographers making 20-50K/month on the side....i.e. if you hit it off.

Good luck.