
Buying land and names on deeds


It has been about 9 years since I purchased land over 1,500mt. When I bought it it had about a 100 names of previous owners. The question is if land that is purchased now does it still has that or have things change ?

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Citizenship in the Dominican RepublicTraveling to the Dominican RepublicRetiring in the Dominican RepublicGetting married in the Dominican RepublicDeath in the Dominican Republic
Bob K

Have you seen or been on the property recently.  I would not be surprised if you no longer owned it but one of the multitude of previous owners now has it.  You might want to check with your lawyer

Bob K


If you are asking as I think you are about future purchases, the answer is maybe.

If the land has multiple owners this will show on title.  This happens when land passes intergenerationally. It may pass to several siblings plus grandchildren, nieces and nephews.

I have a friend whose land is stuck in a family mess just like this.  In order to sell his portion they took years to negotiate who owns which piece and split it off. Fascinating process really.

What is critical still: a really good lawyer to handle land / property transactions.

Did you still own this land or did you go through the purchase?


"You purchased"...

So if that is correct you should have a title with 1 name, your name.


Thank you



Sorry to hijack this thread but you may be able to help me also. We have a plot of land in Cabarete that has been sat idle since we returned to the UK 6 years ago. We have people pop by periodically to check on it for us.
On this occasion they have found builders building foundations for a property. Can anyone advise what to do now? We currently have no real estate agent or lawyer engaged on our behalf in Cabarete. Can you recommend anyone that can help?

Thank you so much.


I  would suggest you immediately  get a lawyer.  Jesus Garcia Tallaj is in the area, speaks English and is very good on land issues. You can reach him at 1-829-695-5550, he is also on Whatsapp.  Get on this immediately, do not wait!  You will need to get these people removed and waiting makes it harder and harder.


Thank you for your quick reply Planner. I am getting on to it now.




Most gringos these days wont buy land unless it has the 'deslinde',. Like a title insurance thing.    It seems like most o the land is in dispute, no clear title, but relatives fighting over it. Some lawyers told me there are still disputes betwn descendants of the original conquistadores!


Colonel now a Deslinde is required to make a purchase or transfer of title. There are tons of disputes still.

I read that if there are  "1,000" pieces of land there are "1,400"  titles to said land!   

Its a bit of a mess and you want a damn good lawyer if you are buying selling or transferring land here.


[Post under review]


Thank you GTLegal. I have emailed you directly.
We have not had a deslinde completed on the property as yet. We intended to put it up for sale this year as we will not be returning to Cabarete. It was bought in 2005 before the rules on the deslinde came into force.


It took 15 years to get squander off family land.
On a piece of land I bought I put concrete block around 90 % , 10 left open so our people can see if anyone is setting up camp.
Also maintaining the land , cutting vegetation is important en Cibao it grows quick !!!


Yes thank you , didn't see this response. We maintain the land and lawyer put through paperwork with blue seals through Santiago. The elders of the community actually had a conference on the land dictationing no more casaitas only large homes. All family members signed document's. My family has been buying and turning over land for more than forty years , just my north American mind....