
Krav maga

Francois le Francais

Hi everybody!

Just settled down in Bp and I wanted to get back to sport like Krav maga.
I guess there are many places to practise krav [Moderated: No free ad on the forum] but does anyone know if there is a place with english speaking people/instructors?

Thx for your help!

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Hi Francois le Francais!

Maybe you should browse Budapest classifieds >Classes> Language classes. You can post an advert there as well.



I think you should try the schools closest to you: Chances are good the higher level instructors have enough international experience to be able to cope with you.

I'd be surprised if there were primarily English-speaking classes.

Francois le Francais

Ok! thx for your comments.
I'll try and give a feedback on this ;)

big marc

Hi François!

Salut, jo estet

Bon, je suis arrivé juste avant Noël, et j'en ai ras le *** d'ici faut que je trouve vite fait à me remettre au KM pour me motiver à rester dans ce bordel, donc, je t'en prie, donne moi des adresses , conseils, des tarifs, sinon ....

Si tu pratiques déjà, on pourrait se retrouver pour l'entrainement, je te file mon phone HU, ça me fera un sparring partner francophone;-)

Au passage.... F le F: fan aussi de Fred et Omar?


Hi big marc!

As this is the anglophone forum could you please write in English?


big marc


All my apologies, then !

Take care


Francois le Francais

Hi Marc!

I couldn't find english speaking instructor (as I'm beginner it would have been easier I think) so I drop this idea...Sorry for you, I have no track to put you on.
Otherwise F le F is for Omar et Fred...really a big fan of them ;)


big marc

Jo ested François !

I knew it!!! Actually, I wrote it, I miss some of my favorite humorists, especially some like them, whom I am totally fan of!

Now, yesterday, got my fist lesson here, the instructor spoke english when necessary, just for me, but most of the trainees were kind enough to speak English along with me.

There's a huge difference about the levels and skills between our two countries. Here, I guess, even non regarding to age or social rank, people are faster catching concepts and harder training.

So, I was taking TUES a metro in vain to meet with the excellent Csaba Szikra, and yesterday at Thököly út 48-54, with "thomas", not sure, but I try and attend tomorrow morning the seminariùm at tutaj Ut 7-11.

That's it, FlF! C'est qui? c'est qui???
Alors, on the vois plus aux soirées!
06309458663 in case of goofy ideas!


big marc

By the way:
thanks to ALL Hungarian people to be speaking English when it should be me learning faster your language, and köszönöm to ALL of you folks for being patient when we try to understand eachother without any common language!


Hungarian (magyar) people are great......
I have also a question about this topic..... first I have to say that I am new here on the forum so it's a bit unhandy.
The question about this topic is that I want to know the possibilities for training Krav Maga with a pacemaker there I can't do a full training as others do because I am sort of internal wired but I do want to learn it and I need to get fit again :)
Any possibilities?
