Table tennis and Gym in khobar


salam dear,  I'm in khobar and intersted to play


I'm in khobar and intersted to play tennis



im in khobar and intersted to play with professiinals

Hello everyone,

Please note that if you are looking for players, I would suggest that you create an advert in the dedicated section Sport partners in Khobar.

Thanks in advance



Have u got the partner. I am ready to play with you


Hi I wanna play with you


i can join u

Hello :)

any good TT players around?

Please be my guest

I see a handful of enthusiastic player in here who are looking for partners.

since we are all in Khobar and searching for the same thing, we could start out own group.

please contact me to join the whatsapp group I am making hopefully we get a good number then we can have some kind of a schedule to play.


Moderated by Bhavna 4 months ago
Reason : Contact details should not be posted on the forum.
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct


Hello and welcome !

Please create an advert in the in the Sport partners section so that interested members may contact you : … a/add.html

Thank you



hi Rajiv here, i am interested in playing TT. plz let me know how to join the group.