
Moving question about shipping household goods


Hi all,

I am planning my move to Bahrain in the next month and I am starting to look for a shipping company for my household goods. I have two questions about shipping.

Does anyone recommend a company?
Is there a special process, paperwork or anything I need to know before shipping my household goods?

Thanks all!


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Better to go for a global provider like Allied pickfords.

You have to do nothing if you get a good company.  They will handle everything and make you aware of all regulations.  You just have to oversee the packing, labeling and sign the list of contents and provide them with certain documents for clearance and insurance; that's all.


Great. Thank you. Do you know the rate per pound/kilo for shipping cost? Trying to decide what to part with and to keep for the move.


Not sure about that as every time I have moved, my company has paid for it.  Usually they quote on basis of container space.