
Moving to Sweden from third non EU country


Hi folks!

This question might have been asked a thousand times however, I tried going to the Migrationsverket site and got conflicting information.

Here is my situation.

I am from the Philippines currently working here in the US. Husband is Swedish and we have been together since Dec 2016 and married since Sept 2017. Both of us are on working visa here in US but we are exploring moving to Sweden in case our green card (GC) application falls through.

I'm planning to submit an application around March 2018 (we should know the GC results by then) however, I get confused if i should submit for a residence permit or residence card. I know one of them doesn't allow me healthcare but i'm confused which one does that.

Can someone kindly help me figure out the best and fastest way I could move to Sweden? Is it possible for me to get into Sweden with a Schengen visa then apply for a residence permit inside Sweden. My job will likely allow me to do remote role if I ever.

Thanks in advance!

See also

Moving to Sweden with your petRelocating to SwedenMental health clinic and doctor recommendationsMoving to Sweden at the end of AugustMoving in with Swedish partner

Welcome to the Forum :)

You may wish to read this previous thread first HERE. You may find that your questions will be answered.

Other threads......

I hope these are of help to you. Good luck


SimCityAT Expert Team


thank you! i did read through these link however, i think i still need more info. I will use my google fu for now and will open a new topic for follow up questions.


If you apply for a permit, you get all the rights as a Swedish citizen, so that's best. However, if you want to move to Sweden on the grounds of your marriage, there are some requirements, like your husband having a place to stay and a job to support you both, which means you won't be able to apply until he does that. He will have to move to Sweden ahead of you and get that settled first. And about applying from inside, I find it highly unlikely they'll let you. They only make that exception for partners with children and even then it's not always granted.

I know this sounds very negative but that's the way things are. However, I wish you all the best and you are welcome to contact me with any more questions :)


Thanks for the response! Permit seems to be the fastest one but that won't get me a path to citizenship right? I still have to switch to residence card then apply from my country as well as my husband has to meet the maintenance requirement?


I don't understand your question but I think you mean the residence card, right? Because getting a residence permit is quite a long process but it does get you on the path to citizenship and gives you full access to the system. If you have a valid visa in the US you can apply from there but yes, your husband has to meet the requirements in order to apply. Otherwise you'll just get rejected.
I really don't know what the requirements or the waiting times are for the residence card  so I can't speak about that.


thanks! i think i have more clarity now about the process. Thanks for responding!